After taking her bath tonight, I picked Alexa up and wrapped her in a towel, burrito-style. She's gotten so big so I said something to her about staying little forever. She responded, "No, I can't go back inside your belly." I asked why not and she said, "Because there isn't enough room in your belly. I'm too big."

I begged and begged her to stay my baby and she told me, "But, you can call me your baby forever." I asked if I could call her my baby when she was big like me and she said, "Yes Momma, even when I'm really, really big."

Then she "clapped" her feet together with excitement and pride and told me to watch. I said, "You clapped your silly old feet together?" She quickly corrected me, saying, "They aren't old. I just came out of your belly, they're just new."