The following took place this morning as we drove to school...
Alexa: "Maybe one evening we can go fishing?"
Me: "You'd like to do that?"
Alexa: "Yes. On the ice. We can put a chair there. And we will need a bucket to put the fish in."
Me: "Oh ice fishing. Maybe we can find a way to do that."
Alexa: "But I'm gonna need one of those princess things to pull the fish out of the water."
Me: "Oh, a fishing pole."
Alexa: "I'll get you one with fairies on it. And Daddy can have one with dinosaurs."
Me: "That sounds like a great idea."
Alexa: "Maybe we should call Daddy, now, while we are in the car and ask what he wants on his [fishing pole]."
Me: Called Daddy who informed me he was in a meeting..."Daddy is in a meeting right now."
Alexa: A meeting with toys and kids?"
Me: "No. With big people."
Alexa: "Do you think Daddy wants me at his meeting?"
Me: " I bet he would love if you were there with him."