Me: "Why do I love you so much?"
Alexa: "Because your belly made me beautiful!"
Alexa loves the following phrases lately...
"I know, I know, you told me ten times!"
"Oh no, no, no, no, no, I'm not [fill in thin here]!"
The following took place this morning as we drove to school...
Alexa: "Maybe one evening we can go fishing?"
Me: "You'd like to do that?"
Alexa: "Yes. On the ice. We can put a chair there. And we will need a bucket to put the fish in."
Me: "Oh ice fishing. Maybe we can find a way to do that."
Alexa: "But I'm gonna need one of those princess things to pull the fish out of the water."
Me: "Oh, a fishing pole."
Alexa: "I'll get you one with fairies on it. And Daddy can have one with dinosaurs."
Me: "That sounds like a great idea."
Alexa: "Maybe we should call Daddy, now, while we are in the car and ask what he wants on his [fishing pole]."
Me: Called Daddy who informed me he was in a meeting..."Daddy is in a meeting right now."
Alexa: A meeting with toys and kids?"
Me: "No. With big people."
Alexa: "Do you think Daddy wants me at his meeting?"
Me: " I bet he would love if you were there with him."
After taking her bath tonight, I picked Alexa up and wrapped her in a towel, burrito-style. She's gotten so big so I said something to her about staying little forever. She responded, "No, I can't go back inside your belly." I asked why not and she said, "Because there isn't enough room in your belly. I'm too big."

I begged and begged her to stay my baby and she told me, "But, you can call me your baby forever." I asked if I could call her my baby when she was big like me and she said, "Yes Momma, even when I'm really, really big."

Then she "clapped" her feet together with excitement and pride and told me to watch. I said, "You clapped your silly old feet together?" She quickly corrected me, saying, "They aren't old. I just came out of your belly, they're just new."
Alexa had just come into the room and announced that she had gotten her own snack, a cheese stick, from the refrigerator...
Me: "That's because you're Momma's big girl now."
Alexa: (straddles my belly and leans into my face) "I'm sorry I can't stay little forever Mommy."
Then she kissed me on my face!
Alexa: Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight,
Me: I wish I may,
Alexa: I wish I might
Me: Have this wish
Alexa I WISH TONIGHT!!! (Said loudly with tons of excitement!)
Alexa: "I want a boy stister."
Me: "Do you want to get your haircut today?"
Alexa: "No!"
Me: "Why not?"
Alexa: "Cuz me no want to be a boy."
May 9, 2010 referring to the white stuff falling from the sky (on a Spring afternoon)...
"Momma, It's Christmas?"
Sunday, May 2, 2010. In the car driving back from Cape May.
"It's okay, Mommy. It's just a song about poop and juice."