Three years ago today, we welcomed you into the world! Three weeks early, you weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. You were beautiful! I remember that I never thought you could be so beautiful and you were! I remember being in awe of your perfection! What a wonderful day it was. Three years have passed and you have grown in so many ways. From crawling to walking (at only ten months!), "goo goo's" and "gaa gaa's" to "you know what I mean, jellybean?" (something you said to me just the other morning!). From ride on toys to "Rocket Babe" on your tricycle, to riding the big girl bike with training wheels that we put together yesterday! From diapers to Easy Ups to potty trained! From "Twinkle, Twinlkle Little Star," to "Five Little Monkeys," to your current fave, "Row, Row, Row your Boat." Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora, Diego, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and Horseland! You have many likes and dislikes ( and I still seem to understand your words best! You are really your own person...curious, creative, stubborn, silly, smart, sassy, inquisitive and brave. You have seen difficult times that many little girls haven't and shouldn't and you have such resiliency and courage! I am proud of you each and every day.

5 days old
Happy 1st Birthday!
First birthday party at ECHO
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Second birthday party at Giggles Playstation
Waiting to blow out candles!
This year we celebrated your third birthday with friends and family at Lee Zachary's Pizzeria on Saturday, March 20th. We shared the special day with our friend Anna who turned three earlier this month. The carousel theme was adorable and I worked really hard on making a delicious cake for the two of you! It wasn't easy, but it was enjoyed by everyone. You didn't seem to stop the entire afternoon, running around and thoroughly enjoying the ball pit and slide! You ended the day with rosy cheeks, a good sign that you played hard!

Third birthday party at Lee Zachary's Pizzeria
I have enourmous dreams and hopes for you. I can't wait to continue sharing them with you, and even more so, seeing them through with you! I knew I would love you immensely, but even I am sometimes surprised by the weight of that love. I have been blessed to have you in my life and to watch you grow. Happy Birthday, Baby! I love you always and forever! ~Mommy
Although I did not accompany her, Alexa appeared to enjoy a day of skiing (her first time ever!) at Bolton Valley, on February 28, with Daddy! From what I've been told and from the evidence on video, Alexa had tons of fun! Here are some photos of the day...
We gave ice skating another try as well. Alexa showed improvement from her first time and managed to get around the ice at an impressive speed. She was motivated by the need to collect as many rubber duckies and/or tennis balls as she could before the other children had a chance to snatch them up! Once again we were joined by Jailee, only this time her Mommy, Lisa, bravely took to the ice at nearly 38 weeks PREGNANT!!!

Note the pretty cool helmet...Mommy didn't come prepared and this was a loaner!!!

proudly displaying her tennis ball collection!
The girls ended the morning by showing me some of their best funny faces...
It's not all fun and games though. When we aren't out having fun with friends, we've been home packing for our upcoming move from 348 Juniper Ridge. Although most of the work has been mine, Alexa lends a helping hand from time to time...
Fragile! Handle with Care!!
But before long, we get back to the fun! The weather has been ever so slightly warmer and we have taken advantage of it by getting outside. This past weekend, Alexa took her bike down by the lake and rode with Minna before going to the Flynn Theater to catch a show. We watched "Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar." It was a puppet show using black lights and telling three of Eric Carle's stories. We sat up in the balcony and peered out over a full house. Unfortunately, Alexa wasn't that interested, often telling me, "Mommy, I no like this movie" or "I want to go home." Oh well, I tried! So we left and spent a little while longer in the park where Alexa slid down the granite stairs of City Hall.

she made me proud by wearing the leg warmers that I knit for her!