Well, winter sure wanted to hold on here in northern NJ! We thought that Mother Nature had forgotten all about us! Good thing Easter was late this year...

On a very chilly day in early April, we met up with Alexa's new bestie, Kate and the rest of her family for an egg hunt in Mount Olive. 
The field was filled with 10,000 eggs and the girls were eager to get going and collect as many as possible! Once the fog horn was blown the girls were off like race horses! Within a total of maybe 8 minutes, the hunt was over and the girls had overflowing baskets! It was time to crack each one open and see what goodies were hidden inside.

In late April, Denise visited us from Vermont and she brought with her some cage free chicken eggs from our friend Marry in the islands. We decorated the eggs and Alexa hid them over and over for us to find! She was so excited!
Easter day was beautiful and Alexa was kind enough to go along with my desire to dress her up...even wearing the Easter bonnet her Aunt Eileen had gotten her last year. We woke up and found that the Easter Bunny had visited us and left a basket filled with goodies for Alexa! We even found the Bunny's footprints on our carpet! What an awesome surprise! After breakfast we had a egg hunt in the yard with Ryan, Alexa's new and favorite neighbor friend! The kids ran wild around the front yard and collected tons of eggs filled with chocolate treats! Wow, the Bunny was good to Alexa this year!!