For as many years I've known Mike, at each start to the winter season, I hear him utter a familiar sentence, "I'm going to look for snow." It's a long standing tradition that has captured Alexa's interest as well. Back in the day, Mike's snow hunting buddy was Scott MacNeill. It's hard to imagine that anything could break Mike away from Sim City, but as Fall grew to a close and the temperatures began to drop, the snow began to beckon him. As the stories go, Mike and Scott were all giddy about the prospect of discovering those first dustings of snow in Northern Jersey or along Rt. 80 toward Shawnee Ski Resort. Once we moved to Vermont, Mike would take night time rides to Stowe or Smuggler's Notch once the weather maps showed those first hues of blue. Today proved to be the right day to go "look for snow." After a rainy and windy Friday afternoon and evening in the Champlain Valley, we knew the mountains would be sure to please. So we set out for Bolton Valley Resort, Mike's former place of work and our most visited snowboarding spot.
Bailey's Restaurant & the Hotel at Bolton Valley
Despite the ominous looking sky, it wasn't too cold. We certainly could have put more thought into our choice of clothing, but we knew we wouldn't be staying long. There were a few local kids testing out their boards and skis, and some dogs running on the trails, jumping to eat the snow as it fell off trees. It was quiet. I must admit I was feeling nostalgic. It has been 3 seasons since I last rode these trails. I was no expert, but I did have fun up here.

Needless to say, Alexa was thrilled. She insisted that she get out to build a snowman. "I want carrot for carrot nose," she said over and over. I really wish we could have all built that snowman, but without gloves, and apparently a carrot, it just couldn't be done. As we were leaving Alexa said, "Let's get out of this cold place." I assured her the cold would be coming to our house in no time! I also reminded her that when it arrives, along with the snow, we would be outdoors, building that snowman. Carrot nose and all!

Getting her hands on the first snow fall of 2009
On the slopes at Bolton Valley, Nov. 28, 2009
In my last post, I mentioned how well Alexa was progressing in her potty use. Well the very next day, she called my name as I was straightening up in the kitchen. “Mommy, come here,” she called. I followed her voice into the bathroom where I found her standing, peering into the toilet. “Ick Mommy (Look Mommy), I went poopy.” I looked into the toilet and to my surprise, there it was. “It’s a big one,” Alexa exclaimed! I couldn’t help but laugh. I quickly praised her, “What a big girl you are. I’m so proud of you.” She had a BIG grin on her face. She is so proud of herself. As it turns out, she had pulled her step stool to the base of the toilet, carefully stepped up and sat down all by herself. Wow! That was quite a moment!

Yesterday, Alexa saw an image of a little girl, wearing swimming goggles and diving into the ocean. An ad for Sandals Resort, if I recall correctly. She quickly stated that she wanted a pair of glasses and gestured that she wanted to dive into the ocean too. She then said, “I swim with the humpback whales.” Humpback Whales? Where does she get this stuff? Truth be told, Alexa has become greatly interested in Go, Diego, Go. I think she likes that Diego works at an animal rescue center and she learns about some very exotic animals. As much as she enjoys Dora, she seems to really connect with all things animal. Lately, she’s been insistent upon “being a puppy” almost everywhere we go!

Some days I look at Alexa and can’t imagine how we’ve gotten this far in what feels like the blink of an eye. She has such a unique little personality. She’s so smart, creative and curious.  She asks a lot of questions and her memory is phenomenal. She has this amazing way of expressing things through sound effects, something she certainly gets from her dad! For example, we stopped for gas the other day and she reminded me of a noise Minna’s car had made the week before when it was running low on gas (that’s what we think it was at least). Once I picked up on what she was describing I said, “Oh that noise. Did it sound like this, buzzzzzz? Her reply? “No mommy, not like a bee. It was like this, (and then she made the sound of a humming)! Again, I laughed.

This week Alexa put herself on the scale and she’s finally gained a bit of weight. On that day, she weighed 27.8 lbs.!

Alexa began a twice weekly morning (home) daycare in town that has been working out well. We continue to go to gymnastics and found a musical story group last week that we are hoping to make a weekly event. Playgroups are somewhat difficult to find and as the weather gets cooler it will become more important to find social activities.
Alexa loves her new duckie!
My little artist!
So about 3 weeks ago, the potty training thing just seemed to kick into high gear. Alexa really gets it now and we make several trips to the potty each day. As a mom, this gets exhausting, but without a doubt, this is a major milestone to be celebrated. Alexa really is becoming an independent little girl and I am there to cheer her on with each trip to the potty! On some days she even takes the initiative to pull her step stool to the toilet and climb up onto it all by herself. She knows the routine, pee pee, wipe and wash hands...all culminating with the ever coveted "treat." Yes, the reinforcement part seemed to be the hardest thing. Stickers and high fives only went so far. Then it was an M & M, or M's M's, as Alexa calls them. Then it was, "I want hollipop." All that sugar does not do a toddler well. This week Minna bought Alexa a really cute, Fur Real duck (an electronic duck that quacks and drinks from a bottle). This followed a trip to the potty in a department store. Last week, while traveling to CT, Alexa used the potty at Applebee's and upon exiting the bathroom, she announced to one of the wait staff, "I went pee pee on the potty." She is really proud and others are proud of her as well! Today, Alexa wore her first pair of big girl underpants. She picked them out herelf...Dora! She was so pleased when we put them on...
Big Girl! Nov. 15, 2009
In addition to the time we spend in the bathroom, we have been busy in other parts of the house as well! I had a major painting project to complete this week. Always the helper, Alexa was quick to grab a roller and get her hands dirty. I was willing to take all the help I could get and as it turned out, Alexa was the only volunteer! She did a great job, but found it less fun then she must have thought it would be because after a few rolls, she was eager to get back to her Thomas train movie!
We also managed to have some fun this week, including a favorite activity...riding the bike in the house! Now that the painting is done and the house is clean and ready to be shown, Alexa and I can concentrate on finding activities outside of the house and getting back to what's really important!

egg nose!
Alexa doesn't have cousins, at least not in the traditional sense. Mike and I have some extraordinary, close friends whose children we consider like family. So, in that case, Alexa has cousins. But among her family tree...none...yet! Last weekend (Nov. 7-8th), Alexa, Ptah and I made a trip to Connecticut to visit Ptah's cousin Adam and his wife and children, Connie, Sofia and Joseph. Adam is Michael's second cousin. We were looking forward to the opportunity the children would have to play with one another. Something we hope to do more of as the kids grow up. We are lucky to call them Alexa's cousins!
Joseph & Alexa
Sofia is 5 years old and Joseph is 2. Together, the three enjoyed playing on the swingset in the back yard on a mild November morning before getting on the road to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Despite an incredibly long ride (gotta love NYC traffic!), we finally arrived and had enough time to check out the butterflies and some dinosaur bones!

Wow! Those are big bones!
Connie & Alexa
From the moment we entered the butterfly exhibit, Alexa had her arms outstretched determined to lure a butterfly to her. She even called out to them, "Here butterfly, come a me." Although no butterflies landed on her, Connie and Mike were lucky enough to be chosen by some. This was very exciting for the kids. As it turns out, Alexa was much happier that the butterfly chose her Daddy instead of her!
March 1, 2008
This was Alexa's second visit to the AMNH Butterfly exhibit. Well, actually her third if you count my visit in Feb. 2007, just about 8 months pregnant! It seems her curiousity for these beautiful creatures has remained a constant!

Feb. 4, 2007 nearly 8 months pregnant!
After the butterflies, we went on to see the Mammals of Africa, some old dinosaur bones and the Under the Sea exhibit.
Mommy, Alexa & Ptah
March 1, 2008
Although it was a brief visit (both at the museum and with the Mahoney's) we found enjoyment in the day. We are looking forward to many more trips to the wonderful museums in NYC, allowing Alexa to explore and gain knowledge of our history, art and culture while having lots of fun at the same time! It will be great to do those things with her cousins too!
It's hard to believe that the year is coming to an end so quickly. Before we know it, the holidays will be here. Oh and of course that little thing we call SNOW!! In the meantime, we continue to go about our days as usual. Gymnastics, daycare, riding bikes, playing with blocks, coloring, painting, etc.
Like I said, the usual...except that we have to be conscious of the H1N1 virus that has been lurking around Shelburne. Well, not just lurking I suppose, and not just in Shelburne. Call it mass hysteria or reasonable awareness...whatever it is, we have been careful not to become victim of the dreaded Swine Flu! Alexa received her seasonal flu vaccine yesterday. This year it was in the form of a mist administered in both of her nostrils. I explained that we would see the doctor today and that she would be getting some medicine in her nose. Her reply? "My nose? I not hurt in my nose."

Upon our arrival, Alexa expressed excitement to play with the toys in the waiting area. Unfortunately, to her disappointment, the toys are no longer present. Another precaution against spreading yucky germs. There was even a basket with these (fashionable), practical face masks! I couldn't resist taking one home with me!

Once our name was called, Alexa followed the nurse in the room, slouched shoulders and a grimmace upon her face. I promised her a sticker at the end. I could just read the thoughts in her head..."A sticker? Hardly worth the impending pain and discomfort, Momma!" But just like that, it was all done and over with! Or so I thought...

The door opened and as we stepped out of the room, Alexa dramatically fell to the floor and exclaimed, "The doctor hurted me!" Coincidentally, we were in full view of the waiting area and reception desk. Every Mom and her child could see the horror they were in for!!!

Needless to say, Alexa survived her trip to the doctor and we enjoyed lunch afterward followed by some play time at home. I have a feeling the month will go by quickly and soon we will be approaching Christmas, the New Year and another birthday! Wow...time flies!

Minna, Alexa and I carved out pumpkin masterpieces on Halloween afternoon. Minna grew her own pumpkin from a tiny seed planted back in the Spring. Strangely, it never turned orange, but that made for a great canvas for a spooky skeleton design. I carved a monster design and Alexa refreed to each cut out piece as cheese! We placed candles inside and they adorned the front porch fro trick-or-treaters to enjoy! Despite the rain earlier in the evening, we did get out for a bit of trick-or-treating ourselves, along with Eva.

We got together on Friday night for a pumpkin carving party at our friend Sara's house. Alexa, Anna and Charlotte, along with a friend of Anna's, colored pumpkins before the mom's carved them! We enjoyed seeing the girls in their costumes, although Alexa was not keen on the idea of dressing up!
Painting a pumpkin for Halloween 2008
Just as we finished carving our pumpkins, the skies opened up and it didn't look like we wold be trick-or-treating this year. We waited it out and at about 6 pm we put our costumes on and ventured out into the windy night. We met Eva at her house and headed up the road to Jane's house and then back down to Kathy's and a few more neighbors before heading back home to have pizza and check out the treats that Alexa had gotten! Despite lots of rehearsing, Alexa was a little reluctant to say "Trick or Treat" at the doors of our neighbors. Eva did a great job of taking Alexa by the hand and helping her up to each doorway! 

The 3 Witches of Shelburne!
Eva & Alexa
Ptah & Alexa