Alexa and I paid a visit to the Young's home this week. We were eager to see Baby Zoe again and I thought it might be nice for Jailee and Alexa to have a play date. I brought eggs to dye for Easter, hoping Lisa wouldn't want to kll me for bringing such a messy activity with us! I know Alexa has enjoyed her Easter baskets in years past, but I think this is the first year Alexa has dyed Easter eggs.
Easter 2008
Alexa's first Easter was celebrated only days after she was born (April 8th)! She actually had 2 Easter's that first year of life, as Easter 2008 fell on the 23rd of March.

Easter 2009
Easter 2009
Last year, Alexa was far less comfortable about the idea of sitting on the Easter Bunny's I joined her, somewhat reluctant myself! Santa pictures have gone much along these same lines, lots of tears and looks of terror!
This year, in lieu of an Easter Bunny picture, here are some shots of Alexa twirling this morning in the Spring sunshine! A few days back, I asked Alexa if she would like to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. She replied, "No. I don't like rabbits." As it turns out, she really doesn't like the Easter Bunny. Today, in my final attempt to pursuade her, she clung to Mike and cried intensly. So, no photo this year!

Happy Easter to all!
March was a busy month for us...lots of birthdays to celebrate! Not only did we enjoy a wonderful party for Alexa (March 24) and Anna (March 6), but we celebrated Bridget's first birthday on the 27th (where we also had a chance to sing to Lisa whose birthday was the 28th and Rachel, whose birthday was the 25th!) and met baby Zoe only days after she arrived on the 14th! Ptah had a birthday this month too (9th)!
Celebrating Anna and Alexa's 3rd Birthday on 3/20/10
3/24/10 Alexa's Birthday!
Baby Zoe arrived on 3/14/10
Bridget turned 1 on 3/27/10
Alexa, Jailee, Charlotte, Bridget and Anna
The girls had a great time at Bridget's party. Alexa not only stayed dry eyed during the "Birthday Song," she actually proudly joins in now that she knows the words!

Now we await the arrival of Baby Villeneuve and Jailee's 3rd birthday in June!