May 9, 2010
Alexa started to write in a journal today given to her for xmas by Ptah - a first! While she sat near me working on the computer - it was adorable. She was talking to herself, writing and drawing. She was making up a story - which she and Minna do constantly, anyway - she always says "make them talk, Minna" (the toys) and then she sings a song and Minna sings and they make up the words and it's always about stuff going on in real life... with a fun twist.
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we ate Elephant noses for breakfast, spots on butterfly wings for lunch, and some bat and lady bug wings for dinner... but with real stuff mixed in too - today she mixed in that when she gets her new house, she's having a birthday party (I hope it's not that long) and she's having cake and cupcakes, no ice cream. She also said "no lady bug wings Minna, I like lady bugs!"

P.S. (from Liz) Alexa has mastered writing the letter "A" and she is recognizing several more letters, especially, M, D, and S.
To say April was a busy month would be an understatement. To catch you up, we packed up and moved out of 348 Juniper Ridge. It took a physical and emotional toll on me and I was more than looking forward to our trip to Florida to visit Aunt Carrie and hopefully get in some R & R! Who was I kidding...I have a 3 year old to entertain! We boarded a flight out of Newark on April 12th. By boarded, I mean, nearly missed our flight. I could not locate the long term parking lot in Elizabeth because the printed directions named a hotel that no longer existed (so much for technology) and the TomTom just sent me in circles. When I finally arrived, the van driver looked at me as though I had six heads because I mentioned the need for a car seat to transport Alexa to the airport. It became clear to me that we were going to need to use ours, so as I was already out of breathe and sweating, I fought with the carseat to put it into the van and we were off. But, seriously, things couldn't have been that easy. As I searched for my cash to tip the driver, I realized that during my 20 odd minutes of sightseeing in Elizabeth, NJ, I had managed to hit the brakes rather abruptly and all of the belongs on my passenger seat had made their way to the floor, including my wallet, cash, credit cards and ID! The driver, who was just pulling up to the departures deck, quickly made his way back to the lot and right back to the airport, using his finely honed Jersey driving skills, that at one point sent Alexa and her car seat sideways! Once we arrived in sunny Florida the fun continued. As it turned out Carrie had left home without a car seat and she called to tell me that she was at Sam's Club buying one and would be at the airport to get us shortly! After putting together and installing the seat, we were on our way. We made it about 5 miles when I was suddenly surprised to see Alexa climbing into my lap, grinning and saying, "I did it!" She had successfully escaped from the new car seat and was rather pleased with herself. Coincidentally, as we quickly got out of the roadway, we pulled into a Toys 'R Us parking lot. In we went to purchase ANOTHER seat. This one with 5 point harness straps! It seemed only natural that we would also have to stop on the side of a major interstate to let Alexa go potty before we could call it a night! That was day 1 in Florida!

As for the rest of the trip, we hit up many of the big tourist attractions, Bok Tower Sanctuary...
Busch Gardens...
Sea World...
We took our first airboat ride in the Everglades...
And we even took a mini vacation-within-a-vacation to Miami's South Beach!
One of the highlights of the trip was getting to visit with Joseph, Aunt Carrie's nephew. Alexa has always enjoyed the company of children just a bit older than she is. She was fascinated with Joseph's story telling abilities. They often consisted of "poop, diarrhea and barfing" tales, each of which would receive high praise from Alexa in the form of "Tell it again!" The two kept Carrie and I laughing in the front seatof the car, and I will admit we even participated in some of the silly (and gross) stories! Joseph's new baby sister, Jillian, also garnered some attention from Alexa, though Joseph is the clear favorite!

There were many firsts on out trip as well. Alexa picked her first orange off an orange tree. She took a dog, Kota, for a walk...this really is a first, as she held the leash all by herself! She made her first visit to Sea World and was in awe of the killer whales! We took an airboat ride in the Everglades, a first for me as well! We even saw a gator, or a "crackalator" as Alexa became fond of calling them! As an added bonus, we saw our first Alligator Wrestler in action! It was creepy and weird...just as we had expected it would be! We spent a morning at the local antique car show in Lake Wales and Alexa was allowed through the bouncy maze, something she has been too little to do until now! She was all smiles and laughter. She was so proud of herself! Along with Joseph and Leanna, she saw her first 3D movie, "How to Train Your Dragon," which I highly recommend to all ages! The 3D glasses were not a complete success, and although she never covered her eyes or asked to leave, she told me afterward, "That was not a movie for girls," and added, "That movie was all smoke and fire." And since we are not natives of Florida, we put the kids in the Hurricane Wind simulator booth at the local mall! They laughed hysterically for the full 2 minutes as the winds reached 70-something MPH! And on our last night in Miami, Alexa had her first celebrity sighting when we stumbled upon a fundraising event for Olivia Newton-John's charity!
We spent some quality time in and by the water, both beaches and pools! Alexa had an opportunity to spend some time with Kaytie and Lily, twin daughter's of an old friend from high school, Angie. She and the girls, as well as her son Nic and her mom, joined us in Miami for a day at the beach and had us over to their house for an afternoon, allowing the girls some down time to play kitchen, watch cartoons and swim in the pool. Angie, Carrie and I had fun catching up on old times and things we've missed out on in one another's lives as the years have gone by.

One might think Florida was exciting would be wrong! Alexa decided to make one night exceptionally exciting, or maybe frightening would be a better word to describe it! After a quiet day in town, Alexa, Carrie and I were sitting down to watch "Glee," when in a split second, Alexa has inhaled a bead that she was playing with. Stuck entirely too far up her nose, Carrie and I had no choice but to bring her to the Lake Wales Medical Center ER to have it removed by a professional! Turns out the doctor didn't do much. Alexa was scared after his initial exam and, after he had left the room to presumably find an alternative way to remove the bead, she began to cry. Carrie noticed that the bead had become dislodged and I was able to push it out of her nostril! I was so excited that I placed Alexa on the bed and ran out to tell the doctor that it was out. Carrie remained with Alexa and tells me that she began to laugh as soon as I left the room and said, "I'm the silliest!" Since then , when the incident has been mentioned, Alexa insists that it "tickled." I hoping she understands from our repeated warnings, that it would not be wise to do such a thing again!
We spent one of our last day in Florida at Busch Gardens. We tried to see more of the animals on this trip. But we made sure to find a few rides just as the park was closing! A favorite for Alexa was the rollercoaster, which she rode 2 times in a row! This child is fearless! And if a rollercoaster that lasts half a minute and doesn't even go upside down can still manage to make my stomache do flips, who is going to ride the big ones with Alexa in 10 years?!? I am such a wimp!

We were gone for a long time! Although we made the most of our time in Florida, Alexa often asked about those things that are familiar to her, family members, friends, our house, daycare. I reminded her that we would return to Vermont a.k.a. "mont" and that we would see everyone again. I explained that some new people live in our old house. I explained that we would get a new house. These were emotional moments for me. The days and weeks leading up to our trip to Florida were stressful to say the least. I'm grateful to have had a few weeks to spend with Alexa just trying to have fun and do new things. I'm grateful for an amazing friend, who through the ups and downs of life, has been here for me unconditionally!

Here are a few more random photos from or trip. I took far too many to post them all here. For those of you who may not have figured it out, just click on one of the photos below and it will open larger. You will then be able to scroll through the pics in larger format. Oh, and I think we have finally reached a point in Alexa's development where it is important to document her quotes, so I've added another page for this.