We kept ourselves busy this Fall and things will have officially begun to slow down a bit in the last week. Besides Preschool, which is going very well, Alexa participated in a gymnastics class. Despite the not so positive experience we had last winter in a ballet class at the Burlington Y, it was time to try another class on her own. Thankfully the staff at CS Gymnastics seemed both experienced and caring and paid close attention to Alexa's unique personality! With a different circuit each week, Alexa learned several gymnastics positions and had lots of fun on the tumbling shapes, low beams, trampoline, spring boards and low bars. I am so proud of her independence and her courage. She tries new things with excitement and anticipation! We met two mommies and two friends, Jess and Logan. We hope to keep in touch with them and arrange playdates this winter.
Additionally, we participated in a 5 week Mommy & Me class at the Turtleback Zoo in West Orange, NJ. Each week we learned about a different group of animals, colored pictures, made a craft and then had an opportunity to meet some of those animals up close! We learned about birds, farm animals, reptiles, and amphibians. We spent some time in the zoo afterwards. It was so beautiful as the leaves were changing. We even took the last train ride of the season and enjoyed views of the foliage at peak on the reservoir. It was a great experience and if the curriculum is different next fall we will likely attend again.
Lastly, there was our Music Together classes in Randolph. We had a wonderful time singing and playing instruments with a great group of kids, moms and nannies. Alexa adored our teacher, Miss Gen. We even made a friend, Lucas, who was excited each week when he arrived and saw Alexa! We hope to spend some time with Lucas and his mom outside of music class. 

So now we have to explore some new activities to get us through the cold winter months. In the meantime, Alexa and I have been keeping busy making crafts for the holidays and just relaxing a bit!
As the Summer weather makes its way to Vermont, we have made every effort to spend our time outdoors. Over the past few weekends, Alexa, Minna, Ptah and I worked hard in the yard, planting and watering in the garden, already enjoying the fruits (or vegetables!) of our labor! A few weekends back, we found two plant sales and both were supporting local charities so we purchased some unique additions for Minna's flower gardens. It was for a good cause after all! With all of the sunshine and warm weather, Minna's flowers are blooming beautifully!
We paid a visit to Eva, well all the Colquhons, upon our retrn home from Florida. Although it was difficult to see or old home for the first time since moving, it was wonderful to see great friends and catch up. Alexa and Eva played in this giant hole that Eva had dug! I especially love to see how these girls bring out one another's silliest sides!
Eva & Alexa in the hole!
Silliest Faces Ever!
In recent weeks, we practiced our baseball skills and Minna even filled the pool for the first time this season! Daddy treated Alexa to her very own Bounce House too!
On Saturday afternoon (May 22nd), Alexa and I went to Eva's house to share in her 7th birthday celebration. Alexa seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to play with the older girls. They played in the backyard, built a lean-to, ate pizza and watched "The Princess and the Frog! Alexa had a great time!
Eva & Alexa psuedo-twins!
Later that weekend, Alexa picked out her first tent while we were shopping. She has been eagerly awaiting her frist night "camping" in the yard! She and Minna promptly set it up and Alexa collected all of the camping essentials, two sleeping bags, pillows, a flashlight, and a bug net. She must have been excited because she didn't even give me a hard time when it came to tooth brushing! Upon my first "check-in," I found lots of giggling, but as much fun as she was having, Alexa wasn't fully ready to spend the entire night otside just yet! I carried her back inside and before I knew it, she was fast asleep in my bed!

Alexa finished the music class she's been attending with Minna on Monday, the 24th. She participated in dancing and playing some of the instruments. She now has some new favorite songs to sing! She enjoyed dancing with some of the other children and she

Alexa continues to spend two mornings a week at her daycare, or school as we call it. She has made some wonderful friends there and often comes home with a special piece of artwork for me to display!

She also continues to love all things horse! She has made the Meadowsong Barn (Minna's neighbors) a home away from home, galloping around and feeding the horses their special treats! It is not uncommon to catch Alexa in her own horse play...She's Black Beauty and her sidekick, Penny, usually played by Minna, is always getting into trouble for something! "Penny, you go in your stall, Penny!" "Penny, quiet! I'm trying to sleep, Penny!" It's all in the expressions though...she keeps us laughing!

Alexa discovered a new favorite movie...about a horse, of course! Disney's "Spirit" has been all the rage here recently.