It was sort of a no brainer this year when it came to a costume idea! For those who haven't noticed, Alexa has a thing for horses! I thought it might be fun to do something a bit more creative than a horse costume. So naturally I turned to Google and discovered a few really cool equestrian costumes.
We left pumpkin picking until practically the last moment, but luckily the weather in New Jersey stays comfortable for a little longer than Vermont and we made to a local farm to pick a couple of beauties! Alexa enjoyed face painting (she chose a unicorn!), choosing a pumpkin and the hayride to and from the pumpkin patch, but it was the hay maze that really made her day! She ran around, climbed over bales of hay and giggled for the longest time!

Alexa and I carved our pumpkins just a few days before Halloween. Tootsie watched us. We began with spoons but it didn't take long for us to dig our hands into the "gooey" pumpkins! Alexa thought it was fun to shape the "guts" of the pumpkins into a pie! While she squished her fingers through the seeds, I searched the internet for a horse design. I found one and began the tedious work of cutting it out. Alexa was so excited and supported me until we got our finished product. She would pat me on the shoulder and say "Great job Mom. That looks beautiful!"

Alexa with her classmates and teacher, Miss Catherine
On Friday, October 29th, Alexa's school celebrated Halloween early with a parade and trick or treating in the parking lot. It was drizzling and chilly, but for the few minutes that the kids came out to show off their costumes, none of that mattered. Alexa followed her classmates from trunk to trunk and collected her treats! She didn't carry her stick horse as planned but that didn't seem to bother her.

Finally the big day had arrived! We drove to Vermont to celebrate Halloween with friends and family. We were happy to hear that our former town was having a parade and that Jerry and Mary Jane's horses would be making an appearance. In addition, we learned that Eva would be on a float and that we would have a chance to see the entire Colquhoun Family! Alexa had a great time playing with Minna and we even had a play date with "the girls," Charlotte, Bridget and Anna! As for Halloween and Trick or Treating, well that was sort of a bust due to...SNOW!!! Snow on Halloween! It was bitter cold and nobody seemed very tolerant. So we called it an early night. There's always next year!
Alexa, Bridget, Anna and Charlotte
We also made a brief visit to the ECHO center, one of Alexa's favorite places. She calls it the fishy store! We dug for whale bones and Alexa, Minna and Daddy played at the Watershed Way exhibit. Alexa even learned how wind energy is generated into electricity! Pretty exciting stuff!
