Alexa asked to grow butterflies again, something we had done 2 years ago. So, for her birthday, she received a new butterfly kit and we watched as each caterpillar turned into a chrysalis. And then, one after another the butterflies emerged and we fed them oranges and enjoyed them for several days. It was then time to set them free.

Maybe not the best photo, but this captures Alexa's look as she watched each butterfly take off toward freedom! She expressed a bit of sadness once they had all gone but I explained how important it was for each of the butterflies to spread their wings and find their new homes. She seemed okay with that and we carried on with our day!
I recently bought Alexa a Butterfly Garden Kit. It was a spur of the moment purchase, but one I'm really glad I made. The kit arrived in the mail containing two plastic cups of 5 tiny caterpillars each. The cups contained all the food the caterpillars need to survive until the become chrysalids. Because of my impulsiveness, I hadn't taken a close look at the calendar. This became an issue when Alexa and I had to travel to New Jersey at the end of June. I didn't want Alexa to potentially miss the change from caterpillar to chrysalid, or worse, the emerging of the butterflies! So they traveled with us and as it would turn out, they traveled back to Vermont, only this time as butterflies. 

I can honestly say, Alexa was thrilled when the first three "Painted Lady" butterflies had "hatched." She was so excited. She couldn't wait to get them oranges and she insisted that we bring them back to Vermont for Minna to see before we released them into the air. I'm not going to lie, I was freaked out as they rode in the passenger seat for the 5 hour trip. I was so worried about the possibility that they would not survive and the disappointment when I had to tell Alexa that we would not be setting them free. Luckily, they all made it!

It was a beautiful afternoon to set them free. We took the butterfly house into the backyard and watched as one by one the butterflies left the netted house and flew high up into the sky!  Alexa has asked if we can start again. Perhaps in another few weeks, we will begin again and watch as the caterpillars make their metamorphosis into beautiful butterflies!
Painted Lady Butterflies!
A Painted Lady on Minna's flowers!