Alexa was never one for "security" objects, such as pacifiers, blankies, etc. She never had a favorite item that she had to bring on car rides or anything like that. She simply would gather whatever was interesting on any particular day, whether it be her lip glosses, or some cars, or some horses. I guess in many respects that was a good thing, at least for me. I've seen friends struggle to get their children to stop relying on their pacifiers for sleeping, etc. 

Well, it seems we have entered into a new that includes a very special sleep buddy! Alexa's now falls asleep only when her beloved "Sleeping horse," as she affectionately refers to her (Alexa tells me she's a she!), has been tucked in tightly next to her.
This is very cute, of course, until Sleeping horse is missing! So far, we manage to locate her and everything works out well. Sleeping horse was made specially by Alexa in a local children's shop that lets kids pick an animal, stuff it and place a special heart inside of it! Check them out...
The really good news is that more nights than not, Alexa has been sleeping the entire night in her own bed! Maybe I have Sleeping horse to thank for that!
(Delayed post...3/27/11) Winter just seems to want to hang around here for a while longer. I'm not thrilled with the idea, but after too many days cooped up inside (due in part to Alexa's strep throat), it seemed like a good idea to take advantage of the lingering snow outside.
Seems we've been missing out on a lot of fun this winter! Next year, we'll be sure to get out and enjoy sledding more often. But for now, we just want Spring to arrive and to enjoy some sunshine already!