Well, the holidays are over and I can't say I miss them! It was a busy season and, although I always cherish the excitement that it brings to Alexa, it is all so exhausting! That said, we really enjoyed celebrating with friends and family and Alexa made out like a bandit in the presents category!

The best present by far, for all of us, has been our new home (blog to be posted shortly about that)! Although it is a work in progress, it's wonderful to have a place to call home and to finally begin settling into some kind of normalcy!

Here are a few highlights from the holiday season! Until next year...
Alexa doesn't have cousins, at least not in the traditional sense. Mike and I have some extraordinary, close friends whose children we consider like family. So, in that case, Alexa has cousins. But among her family tree...none...yet! Last weekend (Nov. 7-8th), Alexa, Ptah and I made a trip to Connecticut to visit Ptah's cousin Adam and his wife and children, Connie, Sofia and Joseph. Adam is Michael's second cousin. We were looking forward to the opportunity the children would have to play with one another. Something we hope to do more of as the kids grow up. We are lucky to call them Alexa's cousins!
Joseph & Alexa
Sofia is 5 years old and Joseph is 2. Together, the three enjoyed playing on the swingset in the back yard on a mild November morning before getting on the road to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Despite an incredibly long ride (gotta love NYC traffic!), we finally arrived and had enough time to check out the butterflies and some dinosaur bones!

Wow! Those are big bones!
Connie & Alexa
From the moment we entered the butterfly exhibit, Alexa had her arms outstretched determined to lure a butterfly to her. She even called out to them, "Here butterfly, come a me." Although no butterflies landed on her, Connie and Mike were lucky enough to be chosen by some. This was very exciting for the kids. As it turns out, Alexa was much happier that the butterfly chose her Daddy instead of her!
March 1, 2008
This was Alexa's second visit to the AMNH Butterfly exhibit. Well, actually her third if you count my visit in Feb. 2007, just about 8 months pregnant! It seems her curiousity for these beautiful creatures has remained a constant!

Feb. 4, 2007 nearly 8 months pregnant!
After the butterflies, we went on to see the Mammals of Africa, some old dinosaur bones and the Under the Sea exhibit.
Mommy, Alexa & Ptah
March 1, 2008
Although it was a brief visit (both at the museum and with the Mahoney's) we found enjoyment in the day. We are looking forward to many more trips to the wonderful museums in NYC, allowing Alexa to explore and gain knowledge of our history, art and culture while having lots of fun at the same time! It will be great to do those things with her cousins too!