It’s been another busy summer for us! Alexa has continued to explore and engage in the world around her! We spent lots of time at the beach. We celebrated birthdays with friends and family.  We went on vacations. We discovered new places to learn and play. It’s kept us so busy, I haven’t been able to update this site in weeks!

Way back in June, we hit the road for a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC. It was a long drive, but proved to be well worth it. We stayed in a beachfront resort that offered a small waterpark. We ate really good food, including a buffet with fresh crab legs (YUM!), frog legs and crawfish (YUCKY!) which I teased Alexa with!! We spent most of the time at the beach. Alexa learned how to ride the waves and we collected dozens of seashells. We visited the aquarium and took a special day trip to Charleston where it was hot, hot, HOT!!! We saw the city by horse and carriage and eventually the heat took its toll on Alexa. She fell asleep mid-ride and didn’t wake up until we were making our way back to the car. Mike and I had a chance to taste some local wine and we checked out some outdoor shopping. It was a great day, although our next visit will have to take place during the winter months!!

In early July, Minna, Ptah, Alexa and I went to Six Flags Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom in Lake George, NY. We got an excellent deal, pay for one day and visit the park 6 times until the end of the season! It was a beautiful day and we spent most of it in the water! Toward the end of the day, Alexa rode some rides in the children's area. Minna accompanied Alexa on a roller coaster and learned quickly that she (Minna) DOES NOT like roller coasters!

Minna, Alexa and I made our second trip to the park on the 28th of July. It was another hot summer day and we spent most of the afternoon in the waterpark. Alexa had lots of fun on the lazy river. She especially liked it when I was sprayed unexpectedly by water spouts on either side of the river!

Minna, Alexa and I joined some of our favorite friends for a very special event at the Fairfax library in early August. Max, star of one of Alexa’s favorite cartoons, “Max and Ruby” visited the library and the kids sang songs, played “Simon Says,” and listened to some “Max and Ruby” stories before doing some painting and having photos taken with Max.

We helped celebrate Ashleigh’s 3rd birthday on August 7th. Despite some challenges during previous play dates, the kids seemed to enjoy themselves that day and took advantage of the sunshine that allowed them to bounce around in the bounce house! The goody bags were a very welcome surprise at the end of the party and Alexa was beat by the time we got in the car to go home!

The garden that Minna and Alexa started even as there was still snow on the ground has produced an enormous amount of veggies this summer. Not only have we enjoyed eating such fresh food, Alexa has been happy to tend the garden and has discovered weeding to be quite a stress reliever!! Oh wait, I find it to be a stress reliever, she just mimics everything I do these days!!! I even found her weeding during one of our trips to the Great Escape!

We recently returned from a week away from home in Southern Rhode Island. We rented a small home nestled in the woods near horse farms and a wildlife management area. The house was a short drive to the beach and close to Mystic, CT. The week was full of excitement, especially the arrival of Uncle Brian! Alexa enjoyed Uncle Brian's guitar playing and she even learned a new goes something like this..."Shake your booty!" It's become an instant hit! 

We spent time in the historic seaside town of Watch Hill, home to one of the oldest flying horses carousels in the country. Alexa was reluctant to ride at first, but she eventually took a ride and seemed to really enjoy it. 

On a very hot, very humid Tuesday afternoon, we drove to the Mystic Seaport museum where we met up with the Mahoney Family, Adam, Connie, Sofia and Joseph. Adam’s brother and his family were also there, on vacation from England. We spent the day exploring the historical village and despite the grueling heat, we enjoyed each other’s company and took some great photos. Afterwards, we sought out a place for dinner and Alexa ate a piece of Mystic Pizza! The rest of us suffered through poor service and mediocre food while catching up and watching the children play!
On Wednesday, we celebrated Minna’s birthday on Block Island. We took a ferry to the island and relaxed on a beach until the clouds rolled in and the rain came down. Alexa enjoyed the company of two girls who were visiting the island with their family. The three made “birthday cake” with the sand and even created a “bakery” where the served tea and cake to their patrons! We enjoyed a fancy dinner and yummy wine and, of course, sang “Happy Birthday” to Minna before heading back on the ferry. 

Mother Nature made sure to end the night on this special note… 
Thursday was a perfect day for the beach. We spent the afternoon at the local, Misquamicut Beach. Uncle Brian surfed some waves on the raft. We enjoyed a Rhode Island favorite, Del’s Frozen Lemonade. We built some sand castles and did (just a little) swimming. The jellyfish kept me from getting in the water, but the others didn’t seem to be bothered. Later in the afternoon, our friends Kathy, Lil and Brady-Lyn joined us and stayed for the remainder of our trip. That evening, unfortunately, Alexa became feverish and this persisted for the next 24 hours! I guess the week was finally catching up with her! 

Although Alexa was feverish all night, it appeared that she was feeling better on Friday morning and we had made the decision to go to the Mystic Aquarium. Ptah drove Uncle Brian to Boston to catch a plane back to CA. We said good-bye to him and then headed to the aquarium. To my surprise, several of the attractions were outdoors…it was HOT outdoors. Alexa fed the stingrays and saw the beluga whales before heading inside to see the jellyfish, sea horses and other sea life. We caught a show in the auditorium about sea lions and then walked around the remaining outdoor attractions. Unfortunately, by midday, Alexa’s fever was returning and so we headed home early while the other’s had dinner in Watch Hill. 

Brady-Lyn & Alexa
I had found out about the NJ Children’s Museum while looking for venues for Alexa’s 2nd birthday party. A year and a half later, on Aug. 28th, Alexa and I finally went to check it out. Located in Paramus, NJ the museum consists of many rooms with themed activities. Everything from a Medieval Castle to a doctor’s office. There is a fire truck and an ambulance, a news room, the Wild West and a Construction room. Alexa was in Heaven! It was hard for her to spend more than a few minutes in one place! Along with Gramma and Aunt Eileen, we spent several hours in the museum and we can’t wait to go back again!

With summer coming to a close, Alexa, Daddy and I decided to embrace to brutally hot, NJ weather and take a ride to Keansburg for a day of rides and water park fun. The Keansburg amusement park is the oldest in NJ. Over 100 years ago it opened and today it has an old-fashioned feel that is unlike any other “boardwalk” in Jersey. We started the afternoon on some of the park’s older rides and before long it was too hot to handle! We walked across the street to the Runaway Rapids water park and Alexa and Daddy hit the waterslides before I could even get my suit on! For the next two hours we kept cool and after some lunch and a quick stop by the local beach (where we viewed Staten Island and Brooklyn), we drove back home.

Alexa shares a joy of city planning along with her Dad. A recent visit to Horseshoe Lake in Roxbury allowed for the creation of a seaside resort (of sorts!). Like father,like daughter!

Labor Day weekend, we took a (windy) ferry ride on Lake Champlain and then went to NJ, where Alexa spent an entire day with Minna playing at Brady-Lyn’s house in Fair Lawn. On Labor Day, Alexa, Minna, Mike and I drove to Stirling Forest to attend the NY State Renaissance Faire! It was a great day to eat good food Steak on a Stake and Turkey legs!), watch a jousting competition and simply people watch!

Alexa has been so proud of her growing independence, which now includes brushing her teeth and getting dressed all by herself! These days, Alexa insists on doing most things by herself!

Showing off her pearly whites!
Alexa’s writing skills have been growing as well. She can write her entire name, Mom, Dad, Chip and Minna. She recognizes most letters in the alphabet and she runs her finger along words when we read together. She continues to enjoy coloring and painting. Spirit is still her favorite movie. We even have the soundtrack for the car now. Alexa sings every song, she knows most of the lyrics and she sings confidently and beautifully! Max and Ruby is the current favorite television show. Alexa loves to mimic Max, using single words to get her point across. For example, she might say “hungry!” rather than using a full sentence or suggesting what she might want to eat!
With her buddy, Ri!
Another busy summer full of fun brings us to another Fall. We are looking forward to some big changes this Fall! Hopefully, they will bring with them fun and wonderful memories!
Last Sunday (Aug. 1), we took the long, but scenic drive to Glover, Vermont in the Northeast Kingdom to see something I'm certain, we've never seen before. Well, at least Alexa has never seen before! It was a day for a circus, but again, a circus like none other! The Bread and Puppet Theater performed for hundreds in a field on a stunning mid-summer day! The theme...

The Decapitalization Circus demonstrates in 18 or 19 death defying stunts they phantastic effects of the capitalization of life in the U.S. and citizens’ courageous efforts of decapitalization. The performers represent the whole scale of the social spectrum from benign billionarism to despicable homeless anti-social-elementarianism. All the acts are FDA and FBI certified displays of patriotic correctness and defy all imaginable forms of terrorism. The Possibilitarians, a multi-instrumental variety ensemble provide the appropriate-inappropriate sounds for the circus.

The Nothing-is-Not-Ready Pageant which directly follows the circus is a Greek-tragedy based typical American soap opera featuring several major current events and catastrophes and highlighting the chief actors and motivators of these events, exclusive their virtuous principles, moral assessments and speeches.

 Alexa may not have understood the political or social contexts, but I hope she enjoyed the theatrics, the costumes, the music, the beautiful setting and the opportunity to share in something meaningful with others! 

With a little help from Daddy, Alexa caught some waves at the Jersey Shore last weekend! From the smile on her face, it appears that this is only the beginning of many adventures in the ocean! That's sure to make her Daddy happy! He'll be thrilled to have a surfing buddy!
One of the highlights of summer are all the extra playdates now that are favorite friend's mom's are finished with school for the year! We got started a bit early with an evening barbeque at Denise's house a few weeks ago. Brianne and her son, Ryan and Sarah and Emma all got together for some yummy bbq and swimming!
Ryan, Alexa, Me, Denise and Emma
While Denise was the only grown up willing to get in the pool, we all enjoyed watching the kids splash around! Alexa even watered she'll grow of course!
Sarah, Emma and Alexa
Even though it rained, Alexa and I took up an invite to visit with Ashleigh and Blake for a play date. Despite a few tears (a result of missed naps!), it was still fun to visit the Starr family and Ashleigh's special horse was a big hit with Alexa! We're hopeful that next time the girls play they will both be well rested and the weather will allow for some outdoor fun!

Blake, Alexa & Ashleigh
Alexa and I recently went to visit our favorite neighbors, The Colquhoun's and Alexa played with Eva and Bailey. This was taken at the end of our visit when the boys, Will and Michael found some interesting music clips on YouTube. The girls were glued to the computer!
Bailey, Eva and Alexa
Alexa was excited to share her bouncy house with Jailee. After too many rainy days, we finally had a chance to set it up and Lisa, Baby Zoe and I watched (and worried...just a little) while Jailee and Alexa jumped and laughed! It was a beautiful afternoon!

Jailee & Alexa
Alexa brought along her pinwheel to watch it spin on the wagon ride to the farm!
It's been a while since we had visited the farm. In fact, the last time we were there, the lambs had just been born and we had to bundle up because the Spring was just arriving in Vermont. We met up with Denise, Sarah and Emma last week at the farm. Alexa was very attentive when the farmer explained how to milk a cow. That said, she isn't quite ready to milk one herself. Some fresh cheese and an almond croissant from thr bakery rounded out a beautiful day!

Me, Sarah & Denise at the Farm!
As the Summer weather makes its way to Vermont, we have made every effort to spend our time outdoors. Over the past few weekends, Alexa, Minna, Ptah and I worked hard in the yard, planting and watering in the garden, already enjoying the fruits (or vegetables!) of our labor! A few weekends back, we found two plant sales and both were supporting local charities so we purchased some unique additions for Minna's flower gardens. It was for a good cause after all! With all of the sunshine and warm weather, Minna's flowers are blooming beautifully!
We paid a visit to Eva, well all the Colquhons, upon our retrn home from Florida. Although it was difficult to see or old home for the first time since moving, it was wonderful to see great friends and catch up. Alexa and Eva played in this giant hole that Eva had dug! I especially love to see how these girls bring out one another's silliest sides!
Eva & Alexa in the hole!
Silliest Faces Ever!
In recent weeks, we practiced our baseball skills and Minna even filled the pool for the first time this season! Daddy treated Alexa to her very own Bounce House too!
On Saturday afternoon (May 22nd), Alexa and I went to Eva's house to share in her 7th birthday celebration. Alexa seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to play with the older girls. They played in the backyard, built a lean-to, ate pizza and watched "The Princess and the Frog! Alexa had a great time!
Eva & Alexa psuedo-twins!
Later that weekend, Alexa picked out her first tent while we were shopping. She has been eagerly awaiting her frist night "camping" in the yard! She and Minna promptly set it up and Alexa collected all of the camping essentials, two sleeping bags, pillows, a flashlight, and a bug net. She must have been excited because she didn't even give me a hard time when it came to tooth brushing! Upon my first "check-in," I found lots of giggling, but as much fun as she was having, Alexa wasn't fully ready to spend the entire night otside just yet! I carried her back inside and before I knew it, she was fast asleep in my bed!

Alexa finished the music class she's been attending with Minna on Monday, the 24th. She participated in dancing and playing some of the instruments. She now has some new favorite songs to sing! She enjoyed dancing with some of the other children and she

Alexa continues to spend two mornings a week at her daycare, or school as we call it. She has made some wonderful friends there and often comes home with a special piece of artwork for me to display!

She also continues to love all things horse! She has made the Meadowsong Barn (Minna's neighbors) a home away from home, galloping around and feeding the horses their special treats! It is not uncommon to catch Alexa in her own horse play...She's Black Beauty and her sidekick, Penny, usually played by Minna, is always getting into trouble for something! "Penny, you go in your stall, Penny!" "Penny, quiet! I'm trying to sleep, Penny!" It's all in the expressions though...she keeps us laughing!

Alexa discovered a new favorite movie...about a horse, of course! Disney's "Spirit" has been all the rage here recently.