Yes, it's true...Alexa will be graduating from preschool in just a few short days! Wednesday, May 30th to be exact! My last post showed an extremely excited 4 1/2 year old on her way into her new school building ready to start the year! Now 5 and nearly 1/4, Alexa has grown so much! In fact, at her last doctor appointment (one with several disappointing surprises...hint - needles, several of them) she weighed a whopping 40 lbs. and measures 42 1/4 inches tall. That, we would soon find out is tall enough to ride the next level of rides at the boardwalk! 

Since her birthday, Alexa insists on letting anyone who will listen know that she is in fact FIVE years old and that five year olds can do almost everything by themselves! She can actually do several things by herself now! The most exciting of which is that she has learned to ride her bike with, wait for it, NO TRAINING WHEELS!!! I never knew that I would be as amazed with such a thing until she actually did it!
Alexa and our neighbor Ryan!
In addition to riding bikes, Alexa passed  her Kindergarten readiness test with flying colors! But we kinda already knew she was born wearing her smarty pants! I (We) could not be more proud!
Alexa and her classmates!
At the start of the month, Alexa's class put together their "LOVE Program," during which they performed several songs for moms & dads and made us special treats!

Yes, that is a black eye that you see! The weekend prior to the event, Alexa had a play date with Ty and while driving the Barbie Jeep, Ty reportedly became distracted and drove up the tree. The Jeep tipped over and Alexa got her first official black eye! So, you see, lots of firsts these past few months! On to a summer that will hopefully be filled with more firsts and several wonderful memories! Before we know it, Kindergarten will be here!
Alexa started preschool on Friday, September 16th. She will be attending a local nursery school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. So far, she has really enjoyed going and meeting new friends. She loves the playground and we usually make a stop there on our way out. 
She's pouting because I made her take this picture and she just wanted to get inside!
Alexa started preschool on September 8th. It was a day she was greatly anticipating. She insisted on a new horsey backpack and a new horsey lunch box. She wore a special horse shirt too! And she was never so proud as that morning when she put that backpack on and headed to the car to drive to school! 
I'm ready to go Momma!
Alexa has been in a few daycare settings in the past but they have been mostly in the homes of providers with only a few other children. Coincidentally, two of her former daycare providers have been named Tammy. Both were kind and loving to Alexa and supportive of me. We will always hold them close in our hearts! 
Tammy, Alexa and Philo April 14, 2009
As an infant, Alexa was cared for by our wonderful neighbor Tammy. Tammy treated Alexa like one of her own family members. She did "normal" things like going food shopping with Tammy, attending story time at our local library, visiting the playground, and playing with Tammy's children, especially her youngest daughter Eva, as well as all the important developmental activities that Tammy made sure to include in her day. It put my mind at ease knowing she was practically the center of attention and that she wasn't just one of several babies in a larger center.
October 6, 2008
When her time with Tammy came to an end, Alexa spent the summer with me and when I returned to work she began attending Footprints Preschool and Daycare in Shelburne on a part-time basis. She spent her off days with Minna, which was special for them both! 

Ms. Christine
After a few months at Footprints, I left my job and it was Mommy and Me time for about 6 months! I began to wonder if Alexa was bored spending all her days with me and the search began for a part-time daycare arrangement that would allow her to socialize with other small children. It was then that we found Tammy, another home based provider in Shelburne.

Alexa and Tammy on her last day at daycare! (8/13/10)
Tammy's was great! She's been caring for children in her home for nearly 17 years! Alexa enjoyed playing with kids her own age and Tammy was so supportive during the time we were moving. She was always flexible. Alexa enjoyed homemade meals there too! She made some really wonderful friends, Rowan, Kyle, McKenna, Baby Michael, and there was even a Mina there!! It was a good year!

It became obvious that Alexa was ready for preschool when she began writing and learning her letters and numbers. She is curious about everything and most importantly, she wants (and needs) to play with children! So she has started part-time at Flanders Valley Country Day School. Her teacher's name is Miss Catherine and so far, she is more than happy to go! In fact, we just barely make it upstairs before she runs off to find where the other kids have gathered as I hang up her backpack in her cubby! She is even taking her naps with the group, something she hasn't done since she stopped attending Footprints in the late winter of 2009. It's been a positive experience that I hope continues.
