Check out our website for the house! Feedback is welcome! 


So my computer has been broken, the result, I believe, of Alexa stepping on it! Therefore, I have had limited opportunities to get online and post our happenings...that and the fact that we have chosen to sell our home on our own which has meant much of my time has been devoted to marketing strategies! That said, here's a little of what we have been up to recently.

Alexa and Charlotte
Last Friday we spent a few hours at Oakledge Park in South Burlington with some friends. Although the skies were a bit overcast we enjoyed the warm (by Vermont standards, of course) water and the girls played (although not always nicely) in the sand.

I've been installing new flooring in Minna and Ptah's living room over the past week. It has turned out to be a greater endeavor than I had initially expected...but at least I've got Alexa to help me out!

I recruited Daddy to help, but just a little. I used a circular saw for the first time ever! As I diligently worked, I imagined it flying off it's base and impaling my head! But it looks pretty darnn good so far if I do say so myself! I did not escape unscathed though. I hammered my finger and developed quite a nasty blood blister and this is what my knees looked like after the first day...
We went out to dinner on Saturday and enjoyed a beautiful sunset by the lake...
Alexa continues to enjoy painting and horses. Here she combined the two beautifully...
She has also been very into her animal puzzles again. Several months ago she would spend time taking them apart and standing all of the pieces up. She's been carrying these two around for several days now...
they are no match for her these days!
Stay tuned...tomorrow is another day!!

Today Alexa and I joined Minna and Ptah to watch a group of canoes and kayaks depart Shelburne Bay in a Quadricentennial Birch Bark Canoe Flotilla to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the day French explorer Samuel de Champlain first arrived in the lake that now bears his name. The paddlers were scheduled to take a route from Shelburne to the Burlington waterfront, however the wind was presenting some challenges and many participants would not make the entire trip, returning instead to Shelburne Bay.

Alexa brought along her media credentials and documented today's events with the help of her Minna!

If I'm correct Alexa is saying, "It was here that Samuel de Champlain first discovered the pristine waters of Vermont. Along with the Algonquin Indians who guided him in a fleet of 24 canoes, Champlain spent a mere two months exploring the lake and sourrounding areas." Well something like that!

Of course, for Alexa, it's the simple things in life that seem to bring the most enjoyment. We sat on the shore of the bay, throwing rocks in the water and listening to them "plop," finding vacated snail shells and watching the seagulls fly overhead.


Summer is sunshine. Summer is barbeques and picnics. Summer is swimming and sun bathing. Summer is licking dripping ice cream from little fingers! Summer is finally here in Vermont! Friday was the quintessential summer day, mid 80's, beautiful blue skies. We were invited to swim at Sara's dad's house (Her father, Al, happens to be one of my former colleagues too).

There were several floaties for the kids. Alexa thought this one was lots of fun!

Alexa and Charlotte thought it was funny to drink the pool water! Yuck! The girls found it especially fun to play in the "baby" pool (the small tub used to wash off feet before entering the pool)! Alexa is such a joy to observe. She plays so nicely with the other girls. She is inquisitive and silly. She really has a sweet disposition.


Today marks one year since that horrific day. One day, one event that has left us battling physical and emotional scars for a year. But this post is not about July 9, 2008. This post is about today, one year later. July 9, 2009 was a day shared with friends and filled with laughter, not tears; with hope, not despair.  

Alexa's trick toe!
A day filled with silliness...

Alexa and Ashleigh
A day filled with adventure...

A day filled with sharing (and not sharing!)...

A day filled with dancing, singing, running and relaxing!

Alexa and I slept late, enjoyed a raspberry and chocolate chip muffin (mostly the chocolate chips) and headed to St. Albans to visit Emma and Ashleigh, their beautiful mommies, Sarah and Heather and the lovely, Denise! After lunch, we took a walk by the lake and spent time at the playground. The weather was gorgeous. Alexa and Ashleigh had a great time on the slide and the swings. Unfortnately, two year olds aren't always courteous and it was inevitable that someone would be the victim of another's frustration. There was some hair pulling and tears, but it was soon forgotten and all was right with the world again! 

Emma took it all in from her mommy's lap. Denise joined in the fun!

Mommy and baby
Reliving their childhoods
We said our goodbyes and made our way to Snow Farm Vineyard on South Hero Island for some drinks and music with friends. We met The McIntyres, Rachel, Greg and their girls, Charlotte and Bridget, as well as the Villeneuve Family, Sara, Craig and Anna. The Vineyard hosts bands on Thursday nights throughout the summer. It's free, many people bring picnics and, weather permitting, it's a beautiful location! The girls shared some snacks, danced and played with beach balls. I enjoyed a glass of Long Trail and catching up with some wonderful friends! The band covered some great classic rock songs. Alexa showed off her moves to their rendition of "American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, one of our faves for car rides!

Anna, Charlotte & Alexa
Alexa and Charlotte
I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but these three things I am certain of...July 9, 2009 was perfect! Alexa is perfect! I am one lucky mommy!!!


Alexa is sick. She has a pretty bad cough and may have had a fever on a few occassions over the past day or two. But that barely slows her down! Today we joined the masses in a shopping spree at one of my favorite stores. Creative Habitat is closing it's doors and liquidating all of it's merchandise. We shopped til we dropped, even waited in line for nearly an hour to check out! I joked that the last time I waited in any line for so long it was likely to purchase tickets to some really cool band. Now it's just to buy some arts and crafts, I'm old! We spent the afternoon at Minna and Ptah's house, preparing for our garage sale. The day wouldn't be complete without a visit to see the  e e's. The sun finally peeked through and Alexa, dressed accordingly for the weather (she picked ot her rain boots this morning!), was ready for some puddle jumping at the barn. It was really fun to watch her enjoy something so simple to you or I yet so intriguing to her! Alexa is fast asleep next to me right now. She coughs every now and then, tossing and turning before finding another comfortable position. Hopefully she wakes up feeling a little better tomorrow. The forecast is calling for some sunshine and we really need to get out of the house.

Today was beautiful. Sunny and warm! FINALLY!! Alexa was in a cleaning mood. She helped Daddy wash both the cars. I was inspired and decided to clean the long neglected patio furniture. I filled two buckets with soapy water and as I scrubbed away years of mildew, Alexa cleaned her playhouse inside and out. She soon got the idea to dip her toes into the bucket and eventually her entire body! Did I mention she was fully clothed! Only minutes earlier we had taken a "real" bath and changed into pj's following an unfortunate incident with a faulty diaper! That said, for those of you who do not know what happens when a disposable diaper is sbmerged in water for any period of time, let me describe...the diaper becomes, what might be, 100 times it's original size, the inside turns to a clear gel and eventually bursts out the top seam! It's messy, really messy! (I found this out not once, but twice this weekend!)

I wasn't about to ruin her fun so I let her play for a while and then she "agreed" to take her wet clothes and diaper off! She enjoyed a post bath snack of goldfish at her picnic (micmic) table and sang me a song complete with silly faces!

Oh, and the table and chairs look like new again!


Alexa and I left NJ to continue our vacation in Rhode Island. We met Minna and, despite the rainy weather, we made the best of a few days in this beautiful state. We spent some time relaxing and wandering the streets of Newport. What a beautiful, historic little city. We visited the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket (what a fun word, Woonsocket!) Alexa even made a speech on the stage of the Union Hall (a reproduction).

On the one, yes one, sunny day we took advantage of the weather and went to Easton's Beach, as well as Alexa's first sailing adventure, a sunset cruise aboard the Adirondack II, a beautiful 80-foot, turn-of-the-century-style pilot schooner! Minna and I were a little frightened, but we managed to relax and enjoy the 90 minute sail through the bay ( a little white wine helped too!) 

The cruise gave Alexa lots of opportunities to point out "big one" and "baby one" boats! We were lucky to have a beautiful evening. We'd like to make more rich friends so that we can go sailing more often!

We enjoyed the chance to visit with Jessica and Unity for a bit at the Providence Children's Museum. Alexa could live in this place...a water playroom, a baby and toddler playground, blocks, a GIANT Lite Brite, a timeline of Rhode Island with a market complete with fruits, veggies, utensils and an old cas register. It was so cute, I'd love to make something like it in a playroom for Alexa at home! Here she is with her cook's apron on!

On our way back home, we stopped to visit the Slater Mill historic site in Pawtucket, RI. Built in 1793, this is the oldest cotton mill in the country. The stone mill built next to it in 1810, powered by water, allowed metal and wood parts to be made for the mill's machines. You can check out the site here:

Eventually we set out for home and found ourselves stuck in holiday traffic in the heart of Boston (Damn you, TomTom!). We didn't get home until sundown!!!


Wow...Alexa and I have returned from quite a travel adventure filled with firsts! To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, Alexa and I drove to NJ to meet Daddy for a trip to the Jersey shore. We headed to Pt. Pleasant on Thursday and arrived in time to check out the boardwalk and put our feet in the sand. The water was still a chilly 62 degrees and waves reached nearly 4 feet so we limited our swimming to running back and forth as the waves came rolling ashore. A game Alexa seemed to think was great! On the boardwalk we played games and Daddy always seemed to win! Alexa took in the sights, and there were lots of them! Alexa insisted she ride the "Nemo" ride ( a bucket shaped as a fish that goes around sort of like a carousel). We asked her easily 10 times if she was sure...."I ride," she said! She put on a brave face, but one time around and she wanted out! The ride operator had to stop the ride as Alexa had completely sunk down into her "bucket" unable to be seen by us. The other children being all of 2-4 years old naturally thought the ride was over and began unclipping their seatbelts as onlooking parents yelled, "No," "Sit down," "It's not over!" To be safe, we rode the train, a ride that could accomodate Mommy and Daddy as well. It passed several other rides, including the alligators, carousel and "Crazy Bus" all of which got a great big shout out from Alexa!When Mike and I discussed trying the carousel, Alexa interrupted with, "No, I cwy. (cry)" It was hysterical to hear her refer to herself in that way. It turns out for the first time, she didn't cry! She really enjoyed the "e e's," commenting on their features, "They running." She spent much of the ride checking out the mechanics, really studying how the carousel operated! I guess as long as she could ride with us she felt safe and was able to really take in the experience of the ride! The town was even so gracious as to put on a fireworks show to celebrate mine and Mike's 5th anniversary!!!

We had the chance to visit Aunt Patty, Uncle Russ, Luanne, Jeremy and Mya. Alexa was taken with Uncle Russ. By the time we left they were bestest buds!

Grandma and Aunt Chrissy joined us on Saturday because we didn't want to leave. We spent some more time on the beach, made some friends, collected shells (and a few vacated crab shells), Alexa tried her hand at surfing and we built some awesome sandcastles!

Alexa continues to express herself in the cutest ways. She nows sings along to the "8 Silly Monkeys" song...Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on bed." Of course now whenever something falls it "ball down on head." And she can even say "dinosaur," which might just be her biggest word yet! We left NJ on Moday headed for Rhode Island to spend some more time on the beach and do some sightseeing...