May 9, 2010
Alexa started to write in a journal today given to her for xmas by Ptah - a first! While she sat near me working on the computer - it was adorable. She was talking to herself, writing and drawing. She was making up a story - which she and Minna do constantly, anyway - she always says "make them talk, Minna" (the toys) and then she sings a song and Minna sings and they make up the words and it's always about stuff going on in real life... with a fun twist.
Like -
we ate Elephant noses for breakfast, spots on butterfly wings for lunch, and some bat and lady bug wings for dinner... but with real stuff mixed in too - today she mixed in that when she gets her new house, she's having a birthday party (I hope it's not that long) and she's having cake and cupcakes, no ice cream. She also said "no lady bug wings Minna, I like lady bugs!"

P.S. (from Liz) Alexa has mastered writing the letter "A" and she is recognizing several more letters, especially, M, D, and S.
5/21/2010 12:31:52 pm

Today Alexa did her second writing in her journal. After a cool swim (water was pretty cold at first); she said it's time to play school... she did jumping jacks, then sat at the desk to write in her journal again. She was writing another story about babies and a momma (bunnies?), but, she started with her letters first: one BIG "A" and another big "A" upside down! She is learning the other letters in her name too.


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