So my computer has been broken, the result, I believe, of Alexa stepping on it! Therefore, I have had limited opportunities to get online and post our happenings...that and the fact that we have chosen to sell our home on our own which has meant much of my time has been devoted to marketing strategies! That said, here's a little of what we have been up to recently.

Alexa and Charlotte
Last Friday we spent a few hours at Oakledge Park in South Burlington with some friends. Although the skies were a bit overcast we enjoyed the warm (by Vermont standards, of course) water and the girls played (although not always nicely) in the sand.

I've been installing new flooring in Minna and Ptah's living room over the past week. It has turned out to be a greater endeavor than I had initially expected...but at least I've got Alexa to help me out!

I recruited Daddy to help, but just a little. I used a circular saw for the first time ever! As I diligently worked, I imagined it flying off it's base and impaling my head! But it looks pretty darnn good so far if I do say so myself! I did not escape unscathed though. I hammered my finger and developed quite a nasty blood blister and this is what my knees looked like after the first day...
We went out to dinner on Saturday and enjoyed a beautiful sunset by the lake...
Alexa continues to enjoy painting and horses. Here she combined the two beautifully...
She has also been very into her animal puzzles again. Several months ago she would spend time taking them apart and standing all of the pieces up. She's been carrying these two around for several days now...
they are no match for her these days!
Stay tuned...tomorrow is another day!!

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