It's hard to believe that the year is coming to an end so quickly. Before we know it, the holidays will be here. Oh and of course that little thing we call SNOW!! In the meantime, we continue to go about our days as usual. Gymnastics, daycare, riding bikes, playing with blocks, coloring, painting, etc.
Like I said, the usual...except that we have to be conscious of the H1N1 virus that has been lurking around Shelburne. Well, not just lurking I suppose, and not just in Shelburne. Call it mass hysteria or reasonable awareness...whatever it is, we have been careful not to become victim of the dreaded Swine Flu! Alexa received her seasonal flu vaccine yesterday. This year it was in the form of a mist administered in both of her nostrils. I explained that we would see the doctor today and that she would be getting some medicine in her nose. Her reply? "My nose? I not hurt in my nose."

Upon our arrival, Alexa expressed excitement to play with the toys in the waiting area. Unfortunately, to her disappointment, the toys are no longer present. Another precaution against spreading yucky germs. There was even a basket with these (fashionable), practical face masks! I couldn't resist taking one home with me!

Once our name was called, Alexa followed the nurse in the room, slouched shoulders and a grimmace upon her face. I promised her a sticker at the end. I could just read the thoughts in her head..."A sticker? Hardly worth the impending pain and discomfort, Momma!" But just like that, it was all done and over with! Or so I thought...

The door opened and as we stepped out of the room, Alexa dramatically fell to the floor and exclaimed, "The doctor hurted me!" Coincidentally, we were in full view of the waiting area and reception desk. Every Mom and her child could see the horror they were in for!!!

Needless to say, Alexa survived her trip to the doctor and we enjoyed lunch afterward followed by some play time at home. I have a feeling the month will go by quickly and soon we will be approaching Christmas, the New Year and another birthday! Wow...time flies!

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