One of the highlights of summer are all the extra playdates now that are favorite friend's mom's are finished with school for the year! We got started a bit early with an evening barbeque at Denise's house a few weeks ago. Brianne and her son, Ryan and Sarah and Emma all got together for some yummy bbq and swimming!
Ryan, Alexa, Me, Denise and Emma
While Denise was the only grown up willing to get in the pool, we all enjoyed watching the kids splash around! Alexa even watered she'll grow of course!
Sarah, Emma and Alexa
Even though it rained, Alexa and I took up an invite to visit with Ashleigh and Blake for a play date. Despite a few tears (a result of missed naps!), it was still fun to visit the Starr family and Ashleigh's special horse was a big hit with Alexa! We're hopeful that next time the girls play they will both be well rested and the weather will allow for some outdoor fun!

Blake, Alexa & Ashleigh
Alexa and I recently went to visit our favorite neighbors, The Colquhoun's and Alexa played with Eva and Bailey. This was taken at the end of our visit when the boys, Will and Michael found some interesting music clips on YouTube. The girls were glued to the computer!
Bailey, Eva and Alexa
Alexa was excited to share her bouncy house with Jailee. After too many rainy days, we finally had a chance to set it up and Lisa, Baby Zoe and I watched (and worried...just a little) while Jailee and Alexa jumped and laughed! It was a beautiful afternoon!

Jailee & Alexa
Alexa brought along her pinwheel to watch it spin on the wagon ride to the farm!
It's been a while since we had visited the farm. In fact, the last time we were there, the lambs had just been born and we had to bundle up because the Spring was just arriving in Vermont. We met up with Denise, Sarah and Emma last week at the farm. Alexa was very attentive when the farmer explained how to milk a cow. That said, she isn't quite ready to milk one herself. Some fresh cheese and an almond croissant from thr bakery rounded out a beautiful day!

Me, Sarah & Denise at the Farm!

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