I was finally able to upload the pics of Alexa, Ty and Brodie from Seaside to my computer and I wanted to add them here! Alexa rode her first ride without Mike or myself when Ty offered to be her companion on, all all things, the Nascar ride. Alexa engaged Ty in quite a converstaion during the ride and Ty wasn't always certain how to reply but he was more than happy to go along with her!

After some rides with Ty, Mike and I, Alexa was ready to take on the swings all by herself! She happily strapped herself in and smiled with each rotation! Mike was kinda nervous because he was certain she would try to undue herself from the seat mid-ride, but she was having to much fun to think about getting out! This is by no means a great picture, but it was from a phone afterall!

This was, by far, the best ride of the night for Alexa! We rode several times and if you could see this photo close up, you would catch a glimpse of the smile from ear to ear that Alexa displayed each and everytime we slid down that great big slide!!

Ty and Alexa
Melissa, Brodie and Ty

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