Alexa and the birthday boy, Wyeth
We drove into Brooklyn on Saturday, October 24th to celebrate Wyeth's 2nd birthday with Jamie, Kate and friends. Despite the (very) long drive, Alexa had no trouble diving right into the fun of decorating pumpkins with the kids. It was great to see everyone and especially fun to watch Wyeth and Alexa interact once again.

Decorating a pumpkin at Wyeth's party
Now that we are back at home, Alexa is slowly getting back into her routine. We were happy to get back to gymnastics class Monday morning and play in the leaves afterwards. Tammy (our favorite neighbor), uncovered these mushrooms with her leaf blower! Alexa thought they were pretty neat! The leaves are a beautiful, bright yellow, but falling quickly. Alexa seems to like them better on the ground!
Some things never change! Alexa has spent so much time inside this little cabinet. For as long as I can remember she has squeezed her little body into this small space, closing the door behind her! Whether she is playing with one of her many figurines or enjoying a snack, Alexa has always found comfort in this cabinet. Believe it or not, there was a wooden bottom (see photo below) when I first purchased it. If I recall correctly, Eva managed to fit into the cabinet sometime last year and the bottom gave out. Lucky for Alexa because now she can continue to sneak into her favorite space without the inconvenience of the bottom!

March 4, 2009
Today, Alexa began daycare...again! Feeling guilty that I couldn't possibly provide her with as much fun as others her own age, I enrolled Alexa in a small, home daycare where she can spend two mornings with some other toddlers. She never noticed me sneak out after kissing her goodbye this morning and when I returned to pick her up, she was all smiles. Her new provider is another Tammy and there is even a little girl there named, of all things, Mina!

Just like last year, the kids are enjoying jumping in the leaf piles. Today, we covered the kids up and watched as they popped out of the pile. Will, Eva and Isabel entertained Alexa by running and leaping into the pile. It's crazy how quickly a year passes! I remember last year watching the kids run across the yard and into the leaves while Alexa laughed a great big belly laugh as she gleefully watched!

Oct. 10, 2008
After a long trip, Alexa's toys always end up in disarray. She chooses several toys to bring along with us, all of which wind up all over the car and once they are back in the house I begin the task of organizing! Blocks back with other blocks, Chloe reunited with her horse buddies, Thomas train back on the train table, etc., etc. Tonight while I was straightening up, Alexa did a little organizing of her own, lining up all her farm animals in a row. When I asked what they were in line for, she replied, "to take a picture." I got my camera and Alexa posed for me with her farm animals! She was so pleased with the arrangement, she even added Daddy and sister (see below).

P.S. I posted some old video clips on the Videos page. Wow...I can't believe how many memories flood back when I watch even the smallest clip of Alexa's early months!

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