Alexa and I decided to go ice skating! We met up with Jailee and her dad, Doug and we were pleasantly surprised to see some old friends, Milissa and her daughter Stella. Minna and Ptah came to take some pictures and cheer us on.

Doug, Jailee, Alexa and Mommy
Leddy Park Ice Arena offers a drop in program called "Itty Bitty Ice Skating" for kids of all ages. I never imagined there would be so many little ones on skates! I was actually impressed with how well some of these little guys could move around the ice! Alexa, in typical Alexa fashion, showed no fear and was eager to get going. The program offers these stacked milk crates as a support for first timers and beginners. This was incredibly helpful although I have a stiff back from crouching over to assist Alexa over the course of the hour!
Doug & Jailee
Milissa & Stella
Alexa took a break to use the potty...(have I mentioned she's COMPLETELY POTTY TRAINED! WOO-HOO!!) and when we returned all of the children were coming off of the ice. Needless to say, Alexa was slightly disappointed! She was ready to get going again. Jailee was not thrilled when the hour came to an end either. This picture says it all. Two girls who cannot wait to get back on the ice!.

2/18/2010 10:26:18 am

great great fun and hard work too for mommy and peanut both!!


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