Anna, Charlotte & Alexa at the UVM Royall Tyler Theater
On Saturday, December 5th, Alexa and I joined several of our friends to see the Holiday presentation of "The Toys Take Over Christmas" at the UVM Royall Tyler Theater. The set was beautifully decorated and we entered the theater to the sound of Christmas caroles. The kids, Charlotte, Anna, Alexa, Jailee, Magnus and Cameron, seemed quite taken by the story, and it was perfectly timed. Just long enough for the kids to stay involved and manage to stay in, or near, their seats! Santa was a big hit! I'm never sure how Alexa will respond to him. Her first two holiday seasons she has been terrified and our photos speak for themselves! This year, she really seems to understand the icons and symbols of the holiday. She is looking forward to decorating our Christmas tree and she has been dielighted by the lights on the homes in our neighborhood, even asking me when we will put lights on our house!

Jailee & Alexa
Jailee & Alexa
We have broken from our annual tradition for the past two seasons. For Alexa's first Christmas, we decided she was too little to traipse about on a tree farm in Waterbury. That year, we chose to donate to a local charity, COTS (a housing organization for homeless families in Chittenden County) and purchased a fairly sad looking tree! Bt it was for a good cause, right? On her second Christmas, we returned to a local Christmas tree farm to find a tree. On December 13th, 2008, we stayed closer to home, Williston, and despite the FREEZING temperatures(the weather almanac states a temp. of between 5 and 7 degrees at the time we went ot!!!), we found an ideal tree for the holiday! These are some photos from that day...
This year, we returned to an old favorite, The Murray Hill Farm, in Waterbury, VT! Mike and I had been coming here for years before Alexa was born. It is a moderately sized farm set on the rolling hills of the Murray family's home with views of the Green Mountains, hot mulled cider and hot chocolate served for free on the porch overlooking the trees and a picturesque pond complete with a wooden bridge crossing it!

Weatherwise, it was a considerably different day this year. Not only were the temperatures, a balmy 32 degrees, there was no snow on the ground at all! Mike would soon discover that mud, rather than snow, makes dragging a six foot tree much more difficult! Despite the lackof snow, Alexa greatly enjoyed her ride in the sled throghot the tree farm. Yes, there were some muddy, wet knees when all was said and done, but it didn't put a damper on the experience for Alexa one bit!  
fascinated with the tree wrapping machine!
wanting so badly to help Daddy cut down the tree!
It was a nice surprise when the snow began to fall. It gave the day a real festive feeling! Alexa thought it was tons of fun to wipe the "now" off of my coat and hair! And she worked really hard to pull the sled back up the hill!
Daddy cutting down our tree!
Oh, and I almost forgot to add...we had a weekend visitor that came along for the adventure...Chippy, or Dippy as Alexa calls him!!


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