Just a few short weeks ago, Mike, Alexa and I drove to Bolton Valley to check out the fresh snow. Alexa was excited about the idea of building her first snowman. I promised her that once the snow began to fall at our house, we would build one. This past Wednesday (Dec. 9th), it finally snowed! Although we spent a large part of the day running errands and playing indoors, we managed to get bundled up and get outside before the sun went down.
Minna got the sled from last year out of the garage and Alexa was delighted to be pulled around the front yard. We even found just the right size embankment to push Alexa down a few times before the sun was gone for good!

Alexa was less excited about sledding last year…
Christmas 2008
With her opportunity finally available, Alexa began making her snowman. It was a group effort and despite not having all the correct materials on hand, our snowgirl was a sight to be seen! We improvised, using wood chips for the eyes and buttons, and a stem of a flower for her mouth. But one thing was certain; she was getting a carrot for her nose! Lastly, we found an old winter hat of Alexa’s to keep her warm!

our snowgirl!
Minna and I also gave Alexa her first lesson in creating the perfect snowball! I threw some Minna’s way and Alexa got a great big laugh out of it!
After running to the store for a few things, we were surprised to find Will and Eva in the front yard throwing snowballs when we returned home. Alexa visited for just a few minutes before concluded it was too “coldy” outside without gloves. We retreated back to the house and called it a night! I hope Alexa knows just how long a Vermont winter really is!


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