On the ferry
Last Friday (Oct. 2), on a whim, Minna, Alexa and I decided to take the ferry to Plattsburgh, NY. This was Alexa's first trip aboard the ferry and despite the chilly weather, we decided to take it in from the observation deck! We were hoping to arrive in time to visit a few museums, but after leaving rather late and hitting up a garage sale on the way, we didn't make it to any of the museums we had set out to see. It wasn't entirely our fault though, these places have some interesting Friday hours!

Instead, we happened upon a beautiful, historic horse farm, accessible to the public. Yo can check it ot here: http://www.whminer.com/heritageexhibit.html Heart's Delight Farm dates back to 1903 and consists of 15,000 acres of land. Today it was empty other than the people actually working there. A total of 25 Morgan horses reside in the old barn and they were some of the friendliest horses we've had the pleasure of meeting! That said, we do still very much adore our Morgans, Oakleigh, Teddy, Pecos and all the others at Meadowsong!!!
The old Store house
This one became one of Minna's buddies!
Despite the 2 dozen plus horses surrounding us, Alexa was quite taken with one of the barn cats and, it was pretty clear, the barn cat was taken with Alexa!

Well, really it was a toss up between the barn cat and the dandelions!

Minna's 'fabrit'
Before we left, we walked to another pasture and Minna found, and fell in love with, this mare. She appeared quite content to simply stand there and have Minna stroke her silky coat! Alexa continued to entertain the cat, or the other way around, and I found the plaques explaining the expansion of the property to be very interesting, especially the  photos of the various structures that once stood in the now open acres of pasture. 

Mt. Mansfield covered in 3 inches of fresh SNOW!
Alexa continues to build her language skills and with each new development, I find myself amazed and often laughing! Some of the new things she says are..."That's my fabrit" These days several things are her favorite, but she usually uses this phrase when she has received a certain food, such as Vanilla mini scones from Starbucks (I have a bit of an addiction to Starbucks). Alexa call Starbucks, the coffeehouse! Additionally, last week I sneezed and from down the hall, I heard her little voice call "Bless You, Mommy!" She also has begun recognizing the need to apologize for some of her behaviors, saying "I'm sorry" when, for example, she has excitedly thrown a block at my face!

Today Alexa jumped on the scale and she weighs a whopping 26.6 lbs. I'm pretty sure she hadn't had her diaper changed yet! So, she's still very much "Minna's Fabrit Peanut!"

At the end of the week, we pack p the car for another trip to NJ to wish Gramma a Happy Birthday, then vacation to visit Aunt Carrie, Tim, Jenny, Joseph, James and new baby Jillian in Florida and then back to NJ to celebrate Wyeth's 2nd birthday in Brooklyn. Look for posts along the way!

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