Yesterday morning Alexa and I went to Shelburne Farms with some good friends, Jailee and Cameron and their lovely mommies, Lisa and Kathleen. We arrived just in time for the chicken parade...

and afterward it was time to explore the rest of the barnyard starting with the cows. Marigold and Marx are the most recent additions to the barn. At just 2 months old they are the cutest things!

We couldn't leave without a visit with the Farm's "e e's" so we wandered down to the pasture and watched as Kate and her fowl enjoyed their grass. As the wind grew stronger and colder and the sky grew darker we decided to return to the farm yard. We checked out the cheese making ( and did a little taste testing!) and then boarded the tractor back to the parking area!  

6/28/2009 11:42:14 am

She's so lucky to have you to take her to so many wonderful things. Just remember: you have the right to be happy!


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