What a personality this little girl has got! We haven't been up to anything exceptionally exciting in the past few weeks. Keeping busy with our regular routine: daycare, ballet class, swimming class and playdates with good friends from time to time. Alexa is really continuing to demonstrate the indepedent and intelligent little person that she is. She insists on helping in almost all circumstances, from preparing meals, to cleaning up a spill, brushing her own teeth and even driving the car (see previous post, she's not really driving)!

She really has a way with words too! This week as we were finishing up our evening routine, washing hands and face and brushing our teeth, Alexa snuck one last pump of the soap dispenser. I looked at her and firmly said, "No! That's enough soap for tonight." Alexa vehemently stated, "You can't say no to me. I Alexa Paige!" It was hard not to crack a smile. Where did this sassiness come from?

According to Alexa's daycare provider, Tammy, she has been using her words to express herself very effectively "at school." Tammy recently commented on the significant growth in her vocabulary over the few months that she has been attending daycare. Tonight she told me that her friend Rowan had "1,2,3,4,5 blueberries." I said, "Oh yeah. Then what?" She said, "He had a blue poop." I'm not sure that what Tammy meant when she said Alexa's been using her words!

This afternoon, Minna and I were tickling Alexa's belly button and she said, "You gonna poke holes in my belly." We then explored each other's belly buttons and had a really good giggle! We hid from dragons (a.k.a. Riley and Emma) and we got very nexcited over a game of Peek-a-Boo! We spent the evening swimming and had a great time playing horsies in the pool. Alexa likes topretend that we go na-night in the corner of the pool, a.k.a. the barn and then she shouts, "It's sunshine" which means we all wake up!

Alexa continues to develop confidence in the swimming pool. At the start of a recent class, I had just barely gotten the words of warning out of my mouth, "Alexa, you don't have your wings on..." when she dove right in, only to find she was less bouyant than she had anticipated. Needless to say, I was quickly pulling her back to the surface, fully anticipating choking and tears. To my surprise, she emerged just fine. In fact, she didn't appear all that phased by what had just happened. We finished class sans wings and afterward I put them on and we enjoyed about 45 minutes of swimming and playing together.

Alexa is already anticipating her 3rd birthday. It's hard to believe it's only 2 months away! She has been practicing holding three fingers up to indicate her new age. She's also very excited to light candles on her birthday cake! I'm not sure that she understands that I am having a birthday before hers, but I have a good feeling she's going to be really excited about it!
I found some old photos of Brian and I when we were really little. I often have difficulty seeing any resemblence between Alexa and I despite some that have been pointed out by friends and family. Then I found this picture...
Liz & Brian
and I thought "That little girl looks familiar!"
Don't know exactly how old I am in this one, maybe 5. Again, I can really see similarities between Alexa and I here!
2/3/2010 03:17:00 am

she's familiar with much blonder hair!
adorable and very smart!


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