On Saturday, September 26, Mike, Alexa and I took our annual drive to the Stowe Oktoberfest. We've been going to the event for the past 7 years and it has become a great way to meet up with our friends, Jessica and Scott. This year was even more special as Unity attended her first Oktoberfest! For the first time, we actually arrived in time to see the parade! According to Mike, Jessica and Scott may have been making bets as to whether we would show up. We did and it was exciting to see Alexa's eyes as she watched the various parade participants pass us by on Main Street. She was especially taken by the official horse of Oktoberfest, Black Jack.

This was Alexa's 3rd Oktoberfest. It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up. In 2007, Alexa sat for her first time unassisted beneath the old tree by the one room school house. This year she sat in the tree!
2007 (6 mos. old)
2009 (2 1/2 years old)
Unity (5 1/2 mos. old)
We all had so much fun taking Unity's first pictures beneath that big, old tree and she was more than happy to entertain us! She even showed off her two new teeth!

One of these things is not like the others!
Apparently leaves are pretty tasty because both Alexa (in 2007) and Unity seemed to make every effort to get some in their mouths! Well, Unity is afterall, a vegetarian!
Obviously a big part of the day is the food, beer and Oompah bands! Alexa danced for quite some time with a friend she made named Maddie. As the day grew to a close, both Unity and Alexa were worn out. That's what all that dancing will do to a girl!
Scott setting a good example for kids all over the world!
Alexa and Maddie with the Burgermeister
Here are some other pics of the day... 

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