I have no idea what she is telling me here!
On Sunday, December 13th, Alexa experienced her first movie on the big screen! We took in a showing of the new Disney movie, "The Princess and the Frog." It is the first Disney movie to feature an African American princess in the over 80 years that Disney has been making films! Maybe it had something to do with the Obama election, nonetheless, it was a traditional tale, where in fact the black princess was only a princess for roughly 15 minutes in the entire film. Primarily, she was a frog!

When the lights went out and the trailors began, Alexa commented on the darkness. I reminded her that it was going to be dark throughout the movie and eventually she disregarded it.

It had some scary, really scary parts. Images that I was convinced would send us out of the theater and back home. Crocodiles and such! But Alexa persevered, albiet in my lap, until the end of the movie. Perhaps it was the comfort of my arms around her, or the popcorn, which she said, "tickled her tongue!"

Forgive the quality of the photos. They were taken with my cell phone in the dimly lit theater. I wasn't going to be that mom, the one with a camera to document every "first" that my daughter experiences. That said, I was secretly bummed that I didn't have my camera with me!!!

she finished that whole bag of popcorn herself!
So I guess this means I can finally go see movies again. Unfortunately they will be "G" rated for a while, but at least it gets me out of the house, right?

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