July 4th weekend brought with it some unseasonably warm weather to our neck of the woods. Temperatures in the low 90's kept us seeking relief and the Waterbury Reservoir was just the spot to find it. 
Minna, Ptah and Alexa
Building a castle with Daddy
The finished product
We stayed cool in the water and built sandcastles on the beach. Several other kids joined in and Ptah helped explain to some of the local kids the art of digging moats in the heavy sand. Daddy joined us later in the day and, using his well honed sand castle building skills, completed the castle! Then "Hurricane Alexa" blew in and unfortunately destroyed many of the waterfront homes and businesses built aside the castle with her storm surge!  
Yummm...Ice Cream!
Having missed the fireworks the evening before, we were determined to find a display that evening. After a break at home, we went to Hinesburg, a nearby town, to watch fireworks. Alexa was growing tired and I cradled her in my arms as she closed her eyes to rest. It was short lived as the show began with an impressive amount of fireworks, DIRECTLY over our heads! Needless to say, nobody wants to wake up to that. Alexa was not happy and it didn't take long before we were scrambling for another vantage point...one that took us further away from the thunderous noise! Mike, Minna and Alexa went back to the car and watched from inside the hatchback! No amount of convincing could change Alexa's attitude about the fireworks this year. She DID NOT enjoy them! 

CRAZY faces!!
Her shirt says, 'Daddy's Little Firecracker'
This is how close we were!
Happy 4th!
Here's a photo of Alexa and Eva last year! Glad I hung onto that headband...it was super cute!!
July 4, 2009

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