It's been a while since I've written here. I guess we've been too busy to keep up! We enjoyed a family trip to Virginia Beach in late June. We visited some historic sites before hitting the beach for a few days. 

In late July, Alexa, Minna and I made an extra special trip back to Virginia. This time to Chincoteague Island to attend the famous annual Pony Swim. About 2 years ago, Alexa and I discover a children's book, "My Chincoteague Pony," which tells the story of a little girl and the annual event that draws thousand to watch the wild ponies of Assateague Island swim to Chincoteague for the Chincoteague Volunteer Fireman's Carnival auction.  
The swim takes place according to the absolute perfect tides. Anywhere between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the last week of July. Of course it was our luck that this year's swim happened at 1 p.m. which meant a very long, very HOT wait as the bus dropped us off at the park at 8 a.m.! At 1 p.m., however, as the flare went off to mark the start of the swim, all of the excitement of seeing nearly 100 horses swim toward the shore made the very long, very HOT wait all worth while. It was an emotional experience. And the story wouldn't be complete without the mention of the mud we had to trudge through to get to the actual viewing area. Sure we could have watched from the comfort of our chairs in the Chincoteague Memorial Park. But we wanted an up close and personal experience. This meant making our way through thigh deep M-U-D! A few calculations and you'd figure out that for Alexa it was nearly waist deep! She lost a shoe, I lost my footing and we nearly lost Minna as we slowly made our way through! Again, seeing the ponies = worth it...even the MUD!
In August we made our way to Rhode Island for another visit with Minna and Ptah. We stayed in the same home that we rented last year and kept busy at the local beaches as well as a day trip by ferry to Block Island. Alexa rode the flying horse carousel in Watch Hill, but this year she was big enough to sit on the outside horses and give her best effort at "catching the brass ring." On our last day in RI, Connie, Adam, Sofia and Joseph spent the day with us on the beach and Daddy drove up to see us too.
When we weren't traveling, we spent a ton of time just enjoying the summer at home. Daddy (after a ton of hard work and a positive attitude) got our pool open in mid July! I wish I had before was awful! We swam as much as we could when the weather allowed. We went to the Land of Make Believe with Aunt Eileen and our friend Christian. We watched fireworks together at CCM for the 4th of July. We had lots of play dates with Alexa's bestie, Kate and her little sister. Denise visited and we took her to the Jersey Shore in search of Snooki! And we spent a bunch of time with Alexa's new and beautiful baby cousin Stephanie, who we welcomed on June 8th.
June 9, 2011

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