Gramma Carole turned 60 years old on Friday, October 9th! On Saturday, we arranged for a party to celebrate this milestone. We invited friends and family to the Mountainside Inn for dinner and dancing. It was a surprise for Gramma and she was so pleased to see everyone as she entered the room…Alexa on the other hand, must have found it overwhelming as she began to cry as soon as she was greeted with a loud, “SURPRISE!” It was a matter of seconds before she discovered the great big dance floor and caught a glimpse of her “cousins”, Brian Anthony, Gianna, Alexa Rose and Mya. Now the party had begun for Alexa!

Alexa, Tim & Aunt Chrissy
Carole, 'Queen of the 60 Year Olds'
We danced and ate and danced some more. Alexa seemed like she would never quit. It was really fun to see all the kids play and really get to spend some time together.
Alexa & Mya (8 mos.)
Alexa and Alexa (front) Gina, Brian and Gianna
We added some special touches to the party including photographs of Carole when she was a child. And thanks to Luanne, Jeremy and Mya, Carole got many products that a 60 year old should never be without!
Eventually sleep caught up with her and Alexa was out cold! We were all tired by the end of the evening and left with many memories of a special celebration!

I knew September and October would be busy months. Most weekends offer festivals and family events that we just can't resist. On October 4th, we met up with some of our favorite (Or "fabrit") friends, Charlotte, Anna and Jailee to pick pumpkins at Sam Mazza's Harvest Festival in Colchester, VT. Despite overcast skies and dampness in the air, the girls appeared to enjoy themselves, riding ponies, jumping in the bouncy house and taking a hay ride to the pumpkin patch.
All smiles in the bounce house!
Jailee, Alexa, Charlotte & Anna


Once in the pumpkin patch the girls picked the perfect pumpkins while the mom's did their best papparazzi imitations trying to get the perfect shot, hoping the girls might end up in the newspaper again!

Anna & Alexa and their pumpkins
this one went to the paper (minus the random kids in the background!)


Sara, Rachel, Me & Lisa
We even managed to get a photo of all of us moms!

The day ended with a hay ride back to the festival and some cider donuts from the farm store. Alexa took one final pony ride and another turn in the bounce house. I took a quick look for some friends I was hoping might have come while Mike stayed with Alexa. I returned to the bounce house to see Alexa crying. I was told that she did not want to come out on her own and that Mike had to crawl in to try to retrieve her. What a sight that must have been!
On Saturday, September 26, Mike, Alexa and I took our annual drive to the Stowe Oktoberfest. We've been going to the event for the past 7 years and it has become a great way to meet up with our friends, Jessica and Scott. This year was even more special as Unity attended her first Oktoberfest! For the first time, we actually arrived in time to see the parade! According to Mike, Jessica and Scott may have been making bets as to whether we would show up. We did and it was exciting to see Alexa's eyes as she watched the various parade participants pass us by on Main Street. She was especially taken by the official horse of Oktoberfest, Black Jack.

This was Alexa's 3rd Oktoberfest. It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up. In 2007, Alexa sat for her first time unassisted beneath the old tree by the one room school house. This year she sat in the tree!
2007 (6 mos. old)
2009 (2 1/2 years old)
Unity (5 1/2 mos. old)
We all had so much fun taking Unity's first pictures beneath that big, old tree and she was more than happy to entertain us! She even showed off her two new teeth!

One of these things is not like the others!
Apparently leaves are pretty tasty because both Alexa (in 2007) and Unity seemed to make every effort to get some in their mouths! Well, Unity is afterall, a vegetarian!
Obviously a big part of the day is the food, beer and Oompah bands! Alexa danced for quite some time with a friend she made named Maddie. As the day grew to a close, both Unity and Alexa were worn out. That's what all that dancing will do to a girl!
Scott setting a good example for kids all over the world!
Alexa and Maddie with the Burgermeister
Here are some other pics of the day... 
I was finally able to upload the pics of Alexa, Ty and Brodie from Seaside to my computer and I wanted to add them here! Alexa rode her first ride without Mike or myself when Ty offered to be her companion on, all all things, the Nascar ride. Alexa engaged Ty in quite a converstaion during the ride and Ty wasn't always certain how to reply but he was more than happy to go along with her!

After some rides with Ty, Mike and I, Alexa was ready to take on the swings all by herself! She happily strapped herself in and smiled with each rotation! Mike was kinda nervous because he was certain she would try to undue herself from the seat mid-ride, but she was having to much fun to think about getting out! This is by no means a great picture, but it was from a phone afterall!

This was, by far, the best ride of the night for Alexa! We rode several times and if you could see this photo close up, you would catch a glimpse of the smile from ear to ear that Alexa displayed each and everytime we slid down that great big slide!!

Ty and Alexa
Melissa, Brodie and Ty
The week began with our Mommy and Me gymnastics class. A few new faces in the classes, including two girls. A few didn't return from last week. Circle time appeared far more structured too! Alexa enjoyed following along to the stretching and movement activities. The highlight of the day was giving the harness a try. Alexa watched a few kids use it and finally decided on giving it a go...
Alexa and I ran errands on Tuesday and then had a playdate with Eva. As always the girls had a blast!
Minna visited in the early evening and the to decided to go on a walk...this is what it looked like...
Tuesday was also Uncle Brian's 37th birthday! You can see a video of Alexa wishing him a Happy Birthday on the videos page!
Daddy came home early this week so we thought it would be fun to take him along during Open Gym so he could see Alexa's skills. With Daddy's help, Alexa mastered the balance beam! She was very proud of her accomplishment and so were we!

turns out she's pretty darn good on the bars too!
Thursday we decided to take a hike while the weather remains beautiful. I had a very early dental appointment and was feeling exhausted, but the brisk air did me good. Alexa had a great time. She especially enjoyed jumping over the tree roots!
Later that afternoon, Alexa helped Daddy clean Grandpa's car and then we had Jailee over for a playdate.

Friday morning I had "me" time and actually had my hair cut and colored for the first time in 5 1/2 months! Afterwards, I met Mike and Alexa for some Flatbread! YUMMY! Mike, Alexa and I took a bike ride to the park and metWe had dinner with Minna and Ptah and later that night I finished a new hat Iwas knitting for Alexa! 
Saturday was our annual trip to Stowe for Oktoberfest...but that's another post! It was a very LONG day! Today Alexa and I attended the first birthday of Maddie, our friend Sarah-Jane's daughter. Alexa wore both she and myself out in the ball pit/slide thingy! Little Emma was there as well, showing off her beautiful smaile as always!
patiently awaiting her cake!
Maddie the Birthday Girl!
Emma and Sarah
emerging from the ridiculously fast slide!

Tomorrow we have gymnastics and hopefull I'll get to post pics from O